One of you, specifically John Lee, will spend most of your time just hanging out in your car eating nachos. You will all come back from time to time to this beautiful campus for reunions, and ask the question, "Does anyone ever know what happened to John Lee?" At that point, he will invariably pop out from the bushes and yell, "Nachos anyone?!" At first, it will scare the crap out of you. But then you'll share a laugh with your classmates and ultimately look forward to John jumping out of the bushes as a yearly event.
--part of the Will Ferrell commencement speech given at Harvard this year. The rest of the speech is here.
Sure he is a bit of a weenie but I think Greg Gilbert is best for the future of Duluth. Have a chat with the candidate tomorrow at the NorShor Theatre from 5-7PM. Ask him what he thinks about golf courses or movie theatres.
So, my friends Eric and Patty want to have a Croquet party on Labor Day weekend. What day is best? I am wide open, but the world does not revolve around me, yet. The games will take place on the reservoir at 15th Avenue East. There will be some mowing prior to the event and help will be allowed.
Getting ready to head into the BWCA next weekend for a few days, should be fun unless the whole top of Mn goes up like a birthday cake of a centenarian, or a beaver chews down a tree ontop of us, or the canoe flips over and we all drown... but none of that will happen and it will be a wonderful time.... now where was that fire extinguisher.
Tomorrow (8.26) is the release party for this thing--a remix album featuring Low, Both, the Dames, Amy Abts, Greg Cougar Conley, etc.--at the 'Shor. Does anyone know any details? I know that audio and video recording devices are encouraged. But other than the Hi-5 blurb, I haven't heard much. Xaq's site and blog make no mention of it.
How it happened: The mother-in-law really liked to eat the neck of the chicken. So, like a good son-in-law, he placed the ax so that a good amount of neck would be left for his mother-in-law. 1945, Mike was created. He lived, despite everything going against him, see the jugular vein was intact and a clot was formed. Listen, there was even one ear left! Mike immediately started to peck and preen. Have you wondered about chickens? Well, here is your answer, they just continue on dispite everything. If they are alive they perform their duties. A case of being not so intelligent? Yes. But, there is relaxation in that thought.
Mike was created in Fruita, CO. He died, after 4 1/2 years of being headless. He was on a national tour and he started to choke. His owner did not have the eye dropper that was needed to unclog the esophogus (corn was regularly placed in the open esophogus as part of his diet). He died. But, the celebration continues every mid-May.
I want to create a tribute to Mike. Now that I am done with graduate school, I need to focus on something. I want to create another Mike. Imagine the scene, when Lumpy G and I uncover Mike II. I was thinking we may uncover him during the famous pet parade. I am still wondering why these pets have heads on their chicken costumes. Damn it! This is not a parade for chickens, it is for the very special headless chicken Mike. Ok, the donkey dressed in the full chicken costume is cool, and the chicken heads on the dogs could be seen as being on the verge of falling off. But, these parade pictures lead me to the conculsion that Mike is not being taken seriously.
Chickens are animals, I guess. Ok. So, Lumpy G and I will put them to sleep and work on creating a cut that will produce the correct result. Barrett pointed out to me that this is sick, and Starfire has pictures in his mind of me with a butcher apron sawing at chickens. I said that I know that I would have to pretend that this just happened by accident. Then Barrett said it might gain national attention. Lumpy G and I would carry Mike II, during the celebration in Fruita, CO, on a purple cushion above our heads--it would be absoultely regal. This chicken would be so much more splendid then he could have ever been otherwise.
I have been thinking about this for the last four days, obsessively, and I realize that I have to forget about it. It is not possible to do. Maybe Lumpy G and I can at least go to the celebration with chicken outfits. Not the heads. Then, we can be as true to Mike as we can possibly be.
thanks to uncomfortable heat today and excessive beer and wine on saturday night, dehydration is the order of the day this sunday. sweaty skin and a thick, sticky tongue.
when barrett was 17, it was a very good year. it was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights. they'd hide from the lights on the village green. when he was 17.
Sad news. 2 women died in a fire above the North Star bar in Superior Wi. The family of my friend Liz owned the bar and apartments which makes the news even more sad. The North Star was always a great place to have a drink and they would even have music there once in a while. My band Father Hennepin played a Halloween show there one time with Giljunko and Lifter Puller.
Scary news. My place of employment was robbed yesterday. There was only one person there at the time when a woman came up the back stairs and handed a note to M saying "give me all the money and we won't hurt you." She (the robber)also shoved something very gun like in M's back while guiding her to the till. M escaped shortly after the money was handed over and was not hurt. WHAT THE HELL! Broad daylight, downtown Duluth, MN.
On a lighter note. I scored a really cool old star sign at a garage sale yesterday. It used to be on the top of the Dewitt-Seitz building in Canal Park. Needs a new cord but all the light sockets are intact and it will look great on my wall.
I also got to drive a Mini Cooper yesterday. People really look at you when you drive one of these.
Now I am going to go Kayaking with Tom and Kerry. Have a good day.
Wesley Willis now sings "I Kicked Batman's Ass" with the choir invisible
Outsider recording artist WesleyWillis Died last night. the weird thing is Nick or Zoey ( I forget who ) spun last night at Starfire Lounge, said they forgot to bring any of his music. This was the first time in a about a year I recall anybody mentioning Him. Read More
Howdy friends and neighbors, it's your old saddle pal Brad signing on from down on the farm. Hey, I don't know so much about all this high falootin teknologie and shit, but are we supposed to be "Blogging" without a rubber? Brad
Low will be playing 2 shows in Minneapolis at the Triple Rock Social Club on October 16th-17th. I don't think it is a very big place and it will undoubtedly sell out so if you are interested, get your tickets early.
What a wonderful day in Duluth. Thanks again to Chuck and Sharyn and their friends for making us feel at home in the big city of Minneapolis last night. We got to Bryant Lake Bowl just in time to see Chuck's Blogumentary and laugh our asses off. We blew off the rest of the movies due to a lack of seating and the high temps in the sold out theatre. We did however enjoy a couple of Bell's Amber Ales on tap in the bar. Sharyn of Mass Distraction sighted us first and came over to say hi. When Chuck came out of the theatre I felt like a Rock-n-Roll groupie waiting backstage. After everyone snapped photos of everyone else we made plans to go to the new Chipolte on Hennepin Ave. It was built on the site of the old Embers at which I have had several drunken bar-rush meals. I prefer the Chipolte.
Chuck and his significant other did not make it to dinner but Sharyn and her friend Allison did and we whooped it up until it was clear we must head north. 3/4 of us had to work today. The trip home went quickly but damn my eyes started to get tired. The highlight of the late night drive was an old mix tape that Lumpy and I made at the Brewhouse years ago.
There is the first hint of Fall in the air today but the water is still warm and the flowers in my front yard are in full bloom. Later.
Seriously I had a great time on our trip to Mpls. for the screening of Chuck's Blogumentary in progress. My digital friends are now analog. More in the morning, uh, later this morning.
Chuck from Chuck's Blogumentary is having a Blogumentary work-in-progress screening at the Bryant Lake Bowl in Minneapolis tomorrow from 7-8:30PM. We would have to leave by no later than 4:30 and get home when we get home I guess. I have room for 3 in my car if anyone is interested.
read about these in some Duluth paper a month or so ago, then Mr. Chase mentioned them in his blog, and I found this news story / press release, I dunno looks kinda cool, then again I want one of these to drive around the city in. Tres mo'dern n'est pas?
I found this over at a blog I visit, Defective Yeti. I am completely entertained.
Do this:
+ Make clockwise circles on the floor with your right foot; + Now, without looking at your foot, use the index finger on your right hand to draw the number "6" in the air.
Did your foot change direction? Yes it did, you liar.
Should I feel bad about having a great time swimming in the waves of Gitchee Gumee while the Coast Guard was searching for the body of a 21 year old just a mile down the beach? The riptide was pretty strong and I would not suggest swimming in those conditions unless you are pretty confident but when you catch the perfect wave and surf it for 20 yards there is nothing better. Be careful out there!
On a lighter note. I have some better measurements on Enger Tower. 8 sides, 10' wide and 51' high. That is alot of bedsheets. If you have any to donate to the project or if you want to go on a thrift store shopping spree let me know.
this is my first experience blogging. it is most thrilling. today somebody wrote many horrible words in the dirt on the back windshield of my minivan while it was parked in the mall lot. why? why?
Gymmen er ferdig svett er ben og arm kaster av meg klæa før je ær i garderoben går i dusjen - vatne er varnt når je æ varm.
Vi står å skravle litt "siste gymtimen iår" ...vatne i bassenget er aldri så varmt... å je har enda itte bade nakjin i år.
Men Lars Gunnar jobba å han er itte mindre sliten dusjen hass er itte kall den hell han ser mot bassenget, mæ smil i øua sien: "Ska vi ta et bad, ell?" Ingen protestere, nei Snart er det flere i bassenget Ingen treng å spørja meg.
"Dæ va gått" sa alle sammen når vi påklædde att sto det var kaldt å godt å nervøst tenk om noen plutsli slo opp ei ta alle døren lærern ell kanskje jenten vi svømte nakjne i bassenget en god følelse - vi alle kjenten.
Men dætta var inne Tenk på stranda: Mæ bris som puste. Mæ sol som slikke. Mæ flere lærere å jenter.
I admit it. I am addicted to this Blog and Blogging in general. I check it more than i should and I am constantly thinking about what to post later. I also check our hit count meter more than a man should and I am amazed at how many people come to us based on the search "Skinny Dipping Pics." Is it a summer thing? Is it because they know how much I love to skinny dip?
Well, tomorrow I promise to include some actual "Skinny Dipping Pics." We must live up to our potential.
i'm on a week-long break/vacation/whateveryouwannacallit right now, but thought i'd throw this out there really quick...
i was at this bar last night on Haight Street called the Toronado (my new favorite bar in San Francisco), sort of a mirco-brew beer bar kind of place. i took a look-see in the juke box and what was there but 'It's The Black-Eyed Snakes.' i dropped a 5-spot in and played the whole album.
People make fun of you a lot, but they're stupid because you've got a much better life than they do. In fact, they're probably just jealous. You believe in crazy things like human rights and health care and not dying in the streets, and you end up securing these rights for yourself and others. If it weren't for your weird affection for ice hockey, you'd be the perfect person.
We did it. LumpyG, Ca-chee and I did it. We went to Gigli and thank god for good friends to share such a horrible movie. We were lucky to be the only folks in the theatre so our running commentary did not annoy anyone.
On the positive side Growlers are legal in Minnesota now and the 20 minute J. Lo yoga scene will have your sides splitting with laughter.
Go to this movie. You will regret it but then we can laugh about it for years.
*Oh, I made a video a while back for the Black-eyed Snakes and you can see it here.
Ah, the weather capped it off and made it a Perfect Duluth Day indeed. Started with a house party last night in West Duluth, with a friend’s band up from Chapel Hill Eyes to Space. They couldn’t get a regular gig because it was Boozefest weekend and… they weren’t a blues band, oh well bad timing. The house party was a riot however. Then today got to show off the city to a buncha southerners who all agreed they wanted to move here (of course this is not February so it’s easy to tempt people this time of year). Finally the weather was perfect for a few hours of playing in the surf at park point, nice big waves and the water wasn’t cold at all.
Just a quick note to say that the new Black-Eyed Snakes site is nearly done. If any of you "wordy" types can scan it looking for dangling participals or fragmented malipropisms that's be great! Email me with Mistakes, Content or Random Vicious Diatribe.
Howdy folks! Finishing up my 2nd coat of kitchen paint so I can pack and go to Lake Vermillion. My friend Sue has a family cabin on an island and we are going to make trouble there. I am in charge of the snack foods and fruit for 16 people. Sue said to lean toward the salty snacks instead of the sweet.
By the way there is a hot dog stand in the park above the freeway during the day. Not sure about his schedule but I have heard good reports.
In ninth grade I was a real punk ass in shop class. I didn't mean to be. I just didn't do things right. The band saw was a problem. I wouldn't hold the wood down and it would bounce all over. But, everyone thought I was doing it on purpose and they thought I was cool. I would also burn myself a lot. There was a piece of plastic that was supposed to be shaped into a napkin holder. Well, I had a damn time with it. I really wanted it to work. But, I got burns. Everyone thought it was cool. I even had my first propostion for a date in shop class.
If only not knowing how to work tools could get me the results now that it did when I was in ninth grade at Ordeal Junior High.
"The entire city of Superior, my neighborhood included, is a classroom for the study of failure. The curriculum for the Study and Analysis of Heartache comes from our citizenry's heavy drinking. We're Scandinavians, Slavs, and Indians of all makes and models. The curriculum is also tied to our living on the shore of the largest freshwater lake in the world. Lake Superior alters our weather for the worst, makes us ugly. Step out the door, see old newspapers blow down the streets in a lake wind, wipe dust from your eyes, go to the Palace Bar, Isle of Capri, Captain Cliff's Night Club, Lost in the '50s, Al's Waterfront Tavern. Find the locals lined up for an eye-opener at eight in the morning, and that, to a sensitive former academic like me, is Hard Knocks. When you can't find work and need to get yourself more depressed, listen in the hallway of your run-down flat for the neighbor guy to strike his wife or she him. Add gray skies. Add fog, and in winter and into late spring, throw in bitter cold, and that's how it is in Superior, Wisconsin, at the Head of the Lakes. Every day I take a refresher course in how to be a loser."
Was a day of being on too many ladders. Left work early, repaired stucco, sealed a skylight, and sealed a roof. Plus went around with a tube of roofing cement and acted like I knew what the hell I was doing. We shall see when next come the rains.
On other news This is my first web site written strictly with a text editor. Still some typos, but...
* got lard all over my hand when rescuing a spyglass from said fatty substance. after being greasy nearly all day, my skin on that hand is now silky soft.
* the kids today participated in a workshop on espionage. they had to dress up in a disguise, and find the two agents of Captain Rick that were lurking around the store. at the signal of, "it's hot out today," i handed the budding spies granola bars.
* met Dave Eggers. he seemed very bemused and bewildered by all that he has spawned. nice guy, very soft spoken. reminds me of a friends' older brother from when i was younger. i didn't have the heart to tell him (yet) that i think his revision of "You Shall Know Our Velocity" compromises the emotional integrity of the original (though I won't go as far as to say the new version 'sucks.' but almost.). i would advise everyone to read the first McSweeney's version, which is excellent
* had my official staff Polaroid portrait hung on the 826 bathroom wall. oh, the glory.
in a week, i'll start working with the kids and also doing some production stuff for the 826 Quarterly. this is the best job ever.
p.s. hey Sharyn, if you want an offical 826 pirate eye patch, drop me a line-- they're a bargin at $4, and i'd be happy to take one to the post office for ya.
Flames. This city is full of 'em. They're everywhere...on the brims of hats, on the hoods of trucks, climbing up the legs of shorts. This city is on fire! Hot! Hot! Hot! [ouch!]
The B-52's are scheduled to appear in Duluth, MN. at the DECC on August 28th. That is a thursday night and I have heard from a reliable source that the show is in danger of being cancelled due to lack of presale tickets. Come on people, I think we can do a little better than that. Get out and buy your ticket today so I don't have to go to Mpls. to see the 52's.
Last time I saw them in the "Love Shack" heyday the concert was cut short because the dancing in the balcony of the Northrop auditorium threatened the folks below us. Chunks of plaster were rumored to have come loose.
So get out and do your bit for the Rock Lobster, your city needs you and you know you want to go.
p.s. Paul Lundgren knows of a sure fire way to sneak in to the DECC auditorium. Give him a call if you are broke.
As I ponder whether or not to sell my car I can't help but remember all the others that have come and go.
1. '84 Honda Civic. My first car, purchased for me by my mother. I drove this car over 80,000 miles, was on my second engine and finally destroyed it in a weather related car accident on I-35W.
2. '80's Mazda GLC. This was the replacement car for #1 and was purchased for me by my father I believe. Good car, should have kept it longer.
3. '80's VW Rabbit convertible. My first and only convertible. Took a great road trip to Austin, TX. one time and got a bad sunburn.
4. Old VW camper van. I was the third owner of this fine van. I Was going to live in it for a summer but ended up moving to Duluth where the hills were too much for the old beast. Took a great Southwest road trip in it before finally selling it to a Deadhead who just got out of the Peace Corps.
5. '89 Toyota pickup 2WD. Really great truck with low miles and excellent body. I wish I was still driving this beauty. I sold it after the first big snowstorm when I couldn't make it up the hill to my house.
6. '89 Toyota Landcruiser. This was by far the nicest vehicle I have ever owned. It drove through any amount of snow and I put a great car stereo in it. It lasted a whole year before I got sick of the payments and gas prices.
7. U.S.P.S. mail delivery van. The one with the steering wheel on the wrong side. Bought a car seat at a junk yard for the other side. Really fun car to drive in but a TOTAL death trap at highway speeds.
This Just In... blog needs breaking news of questionable veracity...
OFFENDED!! Zombies respond to "28 Days Later"
AMAZED!! Local man notes S.S. Meteor "not goin' anywhere soon"
SHOCKED!! Local child: "Harry Potter isn't in very many books"
OVERWHELMED!! Woman from Duluth Heights bikes to Park Point... Trades bike for tent... "Who the hell puts a city like this on a big, dumb hill?!"... developing
UNDERWHELMED!! Unscientific poll: Duluth has a baseball team?
UNEXPECTED!! Cool kid concedes: "Star Trek... not that bad"
UNCHANGED!! Lake Superior still too cold for swimming... skinny-dippers: "Never stopped us before"
CHANGED!! First Frost Forecasted... Duluth is a Cool City by first week September
I want to cover Enger Tower in bedsheets. I have a plan but i need lots of old bedsheets. More details to come soon. I will also need people as crazy as me to pull this off.
steve walks warily down the street with his brim pulled way down low aint no sound but the sound of his feet machine guns ready to go are you ready are you ready for this are you standing on your own two feet out of the doorway the bullets rip to the sound of the beat.
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