Weird Posts

Bigfoot Expedition | Carlton County, Minn., October 2009

The Squatch Inc. Research and Investigative Organization is tracking and researching areas in Minnesota where these elusive creatures are said to roam.

Can I just say that things got a little weird last night at Grandma’s Grand Avenue Cafe and then we’ll just leave it at that?


What’s wrong with this picture?

What's Wrong-copy

I took this picture at about noon yesterday … What’s wrong with this picture? I noticed about 5 things right away, maybe there are more.

The Efficiency of the Rocket Launcher Team Was Very Impaired

Redneck Sighting in Canal Park

My wife got this in a mass forwarded email today. I’m still trying to figure out who took the picture, someone at SMDC was the first to forward it as far as I can tell. Anyone who knows anything else please post it here or contact me so I can credit the intrepid photographer. I’d really love to congratulate the intrepid ATV-or-bust-redneck who managed to strap the vehicle to his car car, (and yes, I know it was a he) but that might be asking too much. I think this image has got some real PDD banner potential.

Washington Times Ad: Obama’s Lack of Eligibility

Full page ad in Washington Times by Protect Our Liberty. Wow!

Little boy from Duluth finds E. T.

The Onion: Boy Finds Own Real-Life E.T.

Christmas City of the North Parade 2009

Christmas City of North Parade

Christmas City of the North Parade

Time to get your Parade on! Christmas City of the North Parade 2009 is Friday, Nov. 20 at 6:20.

SNL Skit: Duluth Live! from 2006

I had been trying to find this clip for ages, turns out it was right under my nose at I’m not sure if this has posted before, but I’d thought I’d share it anyways. Enjoy.

UPDATE: Sadly, there is no longer an embeddable version of the video online, but it is available on

More retro Duluth TV

Someone just posted a bunch of old WDIO news, sports and weather promos on YouTube. Here is an assortment of 1970s-era holiday spots — lots of glimpses of old TV news sets and technology … and a brief appearance by Dennis Anderson.

No Can Haz Drunken La-z-boy

Only a few hours left in the infamous motorized La-z-boy auction, and it’s nowhere to be found on ebay! Anyone know what happened to it?

Oh well. If I can’t have an infamous motorized La-z-boy, I can at least bid on this.

Motorized Proctor Recliner Auction

[image via the DNT]

Here it is, kids. That motorized La-Z-Boy involved in the DWI scandal is up for auction on eBay.

Bid, and bid well. If you win, please come back here with your story.

Relax, kick back, and get a DWI

Proctor La-Z-Boy

Okay, this one’s bound to go viral.

“According to the criminal complaint, Anderson drove his motorized chair into a vehicle parked near a Proctor bar. Anderson told police he was traveling from the Keyboard Lounge after consuming approximately eight or nine beers. His blood-alcohol content was measured at 0.29 percent, more than three times the legal limit to drive.”

“Anderson had to forfeit his motorized chair to Proctor police, who plan to auction it with other forfeited items, Foucault said.”

Duluth News Tribune : La-Z-Boy crash leads to DWI in Proctor

Indie Film Night at the Zinema, Nov. 7


Y2K is so nine years ago

I am looking forward to the movie “2012” coming out next month. I’m glad they didn’t wait until 2012 to release the movie, cause, you know.
Someone has compiled a list of 22 possible ways for the earth to end in a couple years. My favorites are “Rise of the Machines” and “Time Travel Error.”


While watching the trailer for the movie, I noticed they’re not forgetting to save the giraffes, not something I would have put on my short list to save.
I invite you to consider:
1. What do you think is the most likely way for earth to meet its end in two years?
2. What stupid thing would you try to save if you got a seat on a secret government ship?