Weird Posts

Stolen car stereo! $80 reward! Caution! graphic video on disc!

Not to laugh at other people’s misfortune … but … maybe posting it here will help them get their stereo back?

Stolen car stereo’s last night/this morning – $30 (Duluth)

Boys of Summer Comes to Life

Don Henley was right …

… Deadhead Sticker on a Cadillac. Downtown Duluth Thursday.

Another opportunity for Amsoil

Superior-based Amsoil is paying $6 million for naming rights to the new arena at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. So, is $20,000 too much to ask to get the logo tattooed on a dude’s arm?

I mention this because a guy from Superior has taken out an ad on Craigslist offering his arm “to be tattooed for an advertisement.” Specifically, he notes it will go on his forearm and be approximately 2-1/2 inches by 7 inches.

Minnesota Skipping Club

The places you can move to once you have lived in Duluth

It was always a joke that the only places you could move after living in Duluth were: Back to the Twin Cites; Bozeman Mont.; Colorado Springs, Colo.; Seattle, Wash. or Portland, Ore. Add Los Angeles, Calif.; Las Vegas, Nev. and Tempe, Ariz. and that was 2008.

Demented No More

Dr. Demento is ceasing on-air broadcasting. Shows will still be available online.

Hula hoops Wednesday at the Farmers Market

My sister Paige (a.k.a. djhoopster), is coming to the Duluth Farmers’ Market to demonstrate adult hula hooping for fun (feats of dexterity!) and physical fitness (ab-blaster!). She will be there from 9:30am until noon on Wednesday, June 9, and will have homemade hoops available for sale. Come and check it out!

Carpets, Blankets and Linens

We want them!! We are reconstructing a small music studio in the area and are looking for any blankets, linens, and mostly carpet that we can use to cover the walls and dampen the sound. Any extra 1970s shag lying around? Let us know.

Experimental Music Fest and Workshop

Bent Fest

Who is interested in attending a short experimental music fest in Duluth? I’ve got interested performers and workshop presenters. I could probably wrangle some funding, too. I’m looking at some time in the fall for a Friday-Saturday kind of thing. Still need a venue, a couple of interested volunteers and a potential crowd of workshop participants and performance attendees. Express your desires here or contact me directly through my web site.

Water Hazard

With all the road construction this summer you can see orange cones everywhere in the Twin Ports.

Yep. Everywhere.

Deer break into the Stout Ale House in Menomonie, Wis. — patrons were ironically watching Milwaukee Bucks game

Above is surveillance video from May 2. Watch as two bucks smash through the doors.

The Bitter Spills — “The Old Clyde Road”

Here’s another video from Monday night’s Homegrown Music Video Festival, in case you weren’t there. It’s Josh Carlon’s fantastic animated video for “The Old Clyde Road” by The Bitter Spills.

A majority of the videos from the festival are now available on the fancy PDD page linked to this sentence.

What in the world happened to the Quizzard last night? Oh hell no!

The Moon is Down – “My Amazing Kite”

This must be posted for your adoration. Great video featuring Abe Curran and Braxton Baker. Way to go!

Homegrown Wizard

Last night Old Knifey, Walt Dizzo, and I won the Homegrown Quiz at Carmody.  The prize?  This wizard.

The wizard (who needs a name) spent the afternoon in the Mayor’s office reviewing the Homegrown Guide (and the City budget).   He’s now ready for the complete Homegrown experience, he’ll need hosts to bring him around to various shows.   If you see him around, feel free to take him elsewhere.  Post your pictures of the wizard to the flicker account.