Weird Posts

PDD Gravatar Poll, First Bracket

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(About Gravatars)

Hippest State in the Union?

Can this be true? Does the 612 really have that much clout? Rochester is pretty quiet and St. Cloud is, well, St Cloud. And we have Willmar, and the ball of twine and Paul Bunyan, and Funkley and Nimrod and two towns called Oslo. So I ask, is Duluth really that “hip” to make up the difference?

Why is water running out of this pipe?

[This post originally contained a photo embedded from another website which no longer exists.]

I know Chester Creek runs UNDER the armory. Why is water running out of this pipe? Is there a stream of water the third floor too? What is the source of this water?

Aaron Gall and the Likely Story!

Hey folks, we are playing a last minute gig at R.T. Quinlan’s this Friday night with some neat Twin Cities bands. Aaron Gall and the Likely Story (hopefully the official permanent name) will be headlining the gig with a full lineup including washboard, sax, trombone, accordion and more!

Come check out the hype before we finish up New Band Night on Sunday, May 1, for Homegrown!

Where in Duluth? The video.

This is an actual “Where in Duluth?” since I cannot tell exactly where it is. I have a couple of guesses but the PDD brain trust will know for sure, and I’m hoping you’ll have a little color or perspective to add, too.

Where in Duluth?

Duluth, Time Lapse

I don’t think I’ve seen this here yet, but it was on MPR’s Bob Collins’ Newscut blog today, scroll down past the more newsy stuff for the write-up.

Dude, Homegrown is totally gonna rock this year … wait … what?

Lost Spaces in Duluth

I just wanted to put a general question out there for those that know the city better than me:

What are some existing abandoned buildings you know of in Duluth? (Including places that are in the works of being renovated, or even really unique, big interior spaces that aren’t abandoned).

Duluth references in Lucy

“Amanda drove and let Jenny doze in the front seat while Lucy slept in back.  They woke just south of Duluth.  They spent the night in a little town called Superior.  In the morning they stopped at the grocery store in Duluth to stock up for the week.”                   — (Chapter 17)

“The road they traveled from Duluth had stretched out ruler-straight for miles, cutting farm fields in half, as pastures fell away toward island lakes.  Dark clouds gathered in the western sky as they entered the great expanses of forest in Wisconsin.”                  –(Chapter 21)

from LUCY (A Novel) by Laurence Gonzales  (2010)

Duluth extreme swim video

Home Sweet Home

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

A short film by local high-school student Will Francois III. Impressive for the materials and education allotted.

Minnesota Cold: Shooting a Super Soaker

Nathan Ziegler, principal at Hope Academy in Minneapolis, shares his fun cold experiments.

Rubber Chicken Theater Presents “Smudge” by Rachel Axler

Come see “Smudge” at the Duluth Playground at 7:30pm, January 27-29

Read the review from Oeuvre arts magazine here.

Amazing Grace Valentine’s Day Special

Carrying on in the tradition of Amazing Grace Bakery & Cafe founder Chip Stewart:

Get married for free on Valentine’s day, plus a free sandwich for the bride and groom.

(No charge for ministerial services, provided by Reverend Kim Luedtke. Be sure to bring your marriage license, so it’s legal.)