Weird Posts

Images from Diorama-rama 5

Well, somebody had to.

Tiny Art Show – Online Version

In honor of “The Tiny Art Show” at Prøve Gallery, I thought I’d throw things open to people who are either too lazy to submit their tiny art to a show, or are pretty sure it’s not good enough to be in a show.

PDD’s comments now have an easy image-upload tool, so go ahead and share a weird photo or other piece of art or pseudo art.

Robert Hughes, Art Lover.

If you haven’t heard, the Duluth Art Institute will soon be starting screenings of Robert Hughes’ Shock of the New, which is a fantastic eight-part series on the rise and fall of the modern art movement. Not only will you be able to rest your eyes on the handsome and talented Robert Hughes, but you will be able to do it for free.

Looking for grand ideas & Dulu-tia (Duluthminutia).

(Getting to the end — thank you so much for putting up with these January in Duluth encroachments in this wonderful space.)

Last day of January and I have a few sackfuls of questions with incomplete/partial answers. With time running out, maybe you can give me a few hints on my homework? Below, I’ve boiled down a list of [A] v. [B]s, isolating dichotomies about life here in Duluth — if you have a few extra intro/outrospective minutes to kill today, I’d love to hear how you’d weigh in on any or all of these. Of course, in each matchup there’s no need to declare a clearcut winner (balance in all things), so your answers can take the form of one word or a phrase or a few thoughts or an essay if you’re exceptionally motivated.

And then he turned into a pumpkin and rolled away…

But not forever, I’m thinking.

So tomorrow is the last day of January in Duluth (and everywhere else too). I’m going to be writing a post in the morning asking some bigger picture questions I’ve been thinking about, but haven’t answered definitively. Look out for that (also, if you’ve been following and holding back, you can tell me what you really think about the project — but wait for tomorrow to do that).

For today, I have a morbid question. If you knew tomorrow were your last day on earth, and you were to spend it entirely within Duluth/immediate surrounding area, what would you do? A last day, in Duluth.

The Don and a film maker with time to kill?

The January Days are dwindling and the need to gorge on as much Duluth as possible is rising. I spent an hour with Mayor Ness today — he’s a wonderful guy. Also, I had an odd idea I might try to execute this weekend if anybody is interested.

Is anybody out there a film person? I have a very short film I’d like to make — named “100 Seconds of Solitude” — that’s reasonably simple in concept/shooting but might be a little tricky to edit. If anybody wants to spend some time this weekend on a fun project, I’ll bring the beer!

A Little Help from my Friends

I recently got hosed big time by Go Daddy. My domain was up for renewal and instead of notifying me, they sold it. Now I have a new domain, but I lost my search engine standing (my old site was numbers 1,2 and 3 for a Google search of my name). Anyway, if you have a minute, give my new site a click and help a guy out. Thanks.

Duluth vs. the Midwest

January in Duluth rolls on, including a piece on Rich Narum’s monthly dip in Lake Superior for over 15 years.

I have an invitation to offer — I’m looking for Wisconsinites and other Midwesterners who have relocated to Duluth to talk about their process of adjustment, assimilation, and Duluthification. I was looking to record parts of this conversation, this Saturday, at Anchor Bar in Superior. Any immigrants interested in a drink and chat?

Tiny Art Show Call for Entry

The Tiny Art Show, a large group exhibition at the Prøve Gallery showcasing small pieces of artwork, will be held Friday, Feb. 10. All mediums are welcome, including but not limited to; canvases, prints, custom toys, stickers, and sculptures. As long as it fits in a 12-inch by 12-inch box, it qualifies as tiny art.

So, how windy was it last night in Duluth?

I parked my vehicle on Third Street, opened the door, and the wind ripped it right off.

Perfect Duluth Date?

If Duluth could go on dates (the city being embodied as a person), how would you answer any or all of the following questions:

(1) If Duluth were after an eligible date prospect, where would Duluth look?

A man/woman/city is known by the company he/she/it keeps.

Finding 101 things to do in Duluth through anonymous means is not hard — of my ninety-nine problems, Google running out of suggestions isn’t one. So, the generous feedback on PDD has been wonderful (thank you so much, by the way), if not a touch overwhelming. Forget January — all these personal recommendations could fuel an entire lifetime in Duluth. For the rest of the month, I’ll continue to chase after as many Duluth experiences as I can, but on PDD I’d like to pivot my questions slightly.

How much longer will these records stand?

Uncle Loui's Pancake and French toast eating records

It seems like it’s high time somebody broke the pancake and french toast records at Uncle Loui’s. But who could manage such a feat … without blowing a hole in his or her innards, I mean? Will they stand forever and have to be “retired” as I believe the previous, pre-fire, records were?

January in Duluth, Coming Together

I arrived in Duluth on Sunday night and I’ll be living in town for the next 31 days, trying to learn/produce as much as possible about Duluth through a project named January in Duluth. As a central part of this, I’ve started a blog at where I’ll be collecting thoughts, photos, audio pieces, etc. Also, you can expect a steady string of posts/questions from me on PDD until the end of the month.

Weird light!!!

There was a scintillating pure white light on the south shore of Lake Superior from around 3 to 3:15 a.m. It looked big but binoculars did not make it much clearer. It shone all the way across the lake onto my bedroom wall! I have seen it before but don’t recall when. Does anyone know what this was?