Upset Duluth Posts

Upset Duluth: Stormwater Fee Edition

Increases in commercial and industrial stormwater fees is the cause of the latest “Upset Duluth” shot in our series of Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are perturbed.

Story link: Duluth businesses question stormwater fee hikes

Don’t forget to check out the ever-expanding Upset Duluth Gallery.

Upset Duluth: Postal Plight Edition

Here’s the latest addition to PDD’s ongoing “Upset Duluth” series, in which we feature Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are upset.

Story link: Plight of Postal Service concerns Duluth customers

And don’t forget to check out the ever-expanding Upset Duluth Gallery.

Upset Duluth: Collapsing Driveway Edition

Story link: “Duluth pastor tweets to appeal church matter

Upset Duluth: The Ultimate Gallery

Young and old, rich and poor, Minnesota nice be damned, Duluthians can get just as upset as folks in the rest of the world. And their newspaper of record, the Duluth News Tribune, is there to document all the crossed arms and frowny faces.

Upset Duluth: Vikings Fans at Mr. D’s

This is perhaps the most painful addition to PDD’s ongoing “Upset Duluth” series, in which we feature Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are upset.

Story link: “Vikings fans’ optimism turns to disappointment

Upset Duluth: UWS Edition

Part of PDD’s ongoing “Upset Duluth” series, in which we feature Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are upset.

Story link: “UWS students express frustration over program suspensions

Upset Duluth: Brevator Township Edition

The Duluth News Tribune reports a proposed tire-recycling facility north of Cloquet has a few people upset. Photo by Steve Kuchera.

Angry people in local newspapers

We need to get in on this! Angry people in local newspapers blog (via Boing Boing)


(Upset community + Cinnamon Roll, courtesy of Banjo Tom)

Upset Firefly Fans

Upset Duluth Shindig

Lawrence Lee, Duane Rieck and Kay Rieck join the Upset Duluth ranks. (Photo by Clint Austin)

‘Firefly’ fans unite: Shindig for Joss Whedon show on tap this weekend

Upset (at the Mayor) in Duluth

Check out the image that accompanies this DNT article: Meeting with the Duluth mayor (link to full-size photo). Yikes! There’s not a whole lotta love in that room (especially from Ms. Tie-Dye)!

Any Upset Duluth folks dislike Hobby Lobby?

I’m tired of reading blogs and Facebook posts about the most recent court ruling won by Hobby Lobby to refuse its female employees basic women’s health care and discriminate against decisions that should be made with a medical provider. I’ve organized a local protest to create awareness to the local store’s shoppers. We will be there the next three mornings at 9 a.m. until about noon with signs. We hope you will join us or help spread the word. E-mail or send your positive energy to me at cletarose @ Thanks!

Upset Duluth – Jacqui’s Market

For the Upset Duluth collection. Photo by Bob King.

Greysolon Plaza residents upset to lose their corner store as landlord goes upscale

Upset Duluth, May 2012 Edition

May I humbly nominate this photo of Ms. Sramek, featured in today’s DNT.

Related posts:
Upset Duluth
Upset Duluth: In case you missed it
Upset Duluth (Continued)
Upset Duluth?

Upset Duluth?

Duluth News Tribune:
Critics object to Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge cutbacks
(Photo by Bob King)

Upset Duluth (Continued)

I was reading the DNT this morning and had to chuckle when I was reminded of Lundgren’s September post about upset Duluth resident photos showing up in the DNT on an approximately monthly basis. I am convinced of the conspiracy now. Who at the DNT is trying to spread negativity on the front pages?