UMD Posts

Greysolon Plaza elevator death in 1979 — fact or urban legend?

A woman I know from my hometown is an alumnus of UMD, and said that while she was in school UMD had the same overcrowding problem that it has now. Instead of housing students at Edgewater, they housed them at the Greysolon Plaza. She also said that there was an elevator accident in which some UMD students were killed. I can’t find this information anywhere online, can anyone confirm that this actually happened?

Duluth’s War on Renters

Reading the DNT yesterday I was dismayed to learn that the Duluth City Council is planning on another ordinance that will drive up rental costs, take units off the market, and generally make it harder to be a non-homeowner in Duluth.

There is no draft of the proposed ordinance available yet, so we are dependent on the DNT’s reporting of the plan, but it seems that the City Council wants to:

  • Impose a conversion fee on any non-rental being turned into a rental property;
  • Require an inspection of any property to be converted (the city admits it is years behind in inspections, so this would mean a longer delay on new rentals coming to market);
  • Restrict occupancy to 1 person / bedroom (meaning a couple with 2 children would require a 4-br house);
  • Fine landlords who do not provide off-street parking.

As a renter in Duluth I am pretty upset that my rent will go up due to these new rules (unless my landlord turns the front yard into a parking pad), and that somehow people think making it more expensive to live in town will reduce overcrowding in student housing.  My wife and I live in a nice 2-br house, but it would be illegal to have her sister live in our spare bedroom when she is out of college for the summers.  Does that make any sense to anyone?

The 300-foot rule already restricts the available rental housing stock in Duluth, driving up prices, do we really need to make it worse?

Trespassing at UMD’s Old Main in 1992


One summer night in 1992, when I was 19 years old, I came home from doing something forgettable and found three of my friends waiting for me. They said I should grab a flashlight and come with them on an adventure.

Bulldog & WCHA Hockey on WDSE-WRPT

Get a front row seat for WCHA action, right in your living room! Live from the new Bemidji Regional Event Center, WDSE-WRPT will broadcast WCHA Hockey games on the Minnesota Channel (8.4/31.4) this fall.

Students at UMD organize a 12-hour dance marathon to support kids in need

Beginning at 6pm on Friday and ending at 6am on Saturday morning, Duluth students and local community members will stay on their feet, dancing to live music and DJs while interacting with patients and their families from Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare.  The Dance Marathon student organization is welcoming everyone at this event, emphasizing that participants need not be expert dancers.

Wrestling at UMD

As a former wrestler I found this article quite interesting. I remember visiting UMD and looking at the conference Champ Pennants up at the fieldhouse.

(not so) Fresh Duluth

Fresh Duluth

In 2008 Pro Video Productions in Duluth, in cooperation with a number of big employers and produced a slick documentary “Fresh Duluth.” It was posted and discussed by many of us here on Perfect Duluth Day

I liked the film just fine and from my lay person’s perspective it was well done. The idea was to use it to lure employees to the city and maybe some businesses or conventions or whatever … It features great action shots of the outdoors, culture and business and interviews with a number of well-lit, Ken Burns style “expert” interviews with prominent folks talking about how great the city was including …

–Ann Klefstad DNT arts and culture reporter who was laid off in one of several mass lay offs that the DNT did that same year. Just a few months after the video premiered

–A Cirrus Design Exec (Alan Klapmeier, I think) who was fired/quit/demoted from the organization earlier this year.

And rounding out the list …

–Rod Raymond a prominent local businessman, endurance athlete, and (somehow he also finds time to be a) fitness professor at UMD whose name and reputation are now bound up in allegations of Sexual Harassment at UMD, plus lots and lots and lots of rumors and allegations, that may never end, regardless of the truth.

Now … I’m having that not so Fresh Feeling …