Twin Ports Posts

Homegrown Art

As usual, the Homegrown Music Festival has generated huge quantities of buzz, and remains a real showcase for what’s happening in the Northland. I was especially interested in the Homegrown arts facet, caught every opening and even the Lake Superior College opening that was not part of Homegrown … and a little music as well. So much to see and not enough time to write about it all. I did sum up my Friday and Saturday evenings this morning on my blog at Ennyman’s Territory.

Kudos to all organizers, volunteers, bands, and artists who once again made this a very special week for the Twin Ports community.

Patron of the arts enjoying a set of images at Prove Gallery Saturday night.

Art Opening Thursday @ Goin’ Postal

The Many Faces of Ed Newman will be on display at Goin’ Postal in Superior, from 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9. Live music by Mark Anderson, finger food and a broad array of visually stimulating new paintings by Ed Newman will be on display for enjoyment or purchase. Art Card collectibles also available, a great stocking stuffer for artsy loved ones.

More details here: