Sustainability Posts

Regional partnerships inviting proposals for community projects

The University of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships are seeking proposals for projects related to sustainable agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources and resilient communities.

I’m on the board for these proposals, and many of your neighbors throughout the region are, too. You don’t need to be a nonprofit — local businesses with community impact and individual citizens can apply, too!

Giving Thanks for a Perfect Duluth Future

As we move into the holidays it seems appropriate to share our gratitude for the hundreds of Duluthians who have added their name in support of the Bag it Duluth Campaign. In so doing they are showing they care deeply about our community by working to shift a cultural mindset away from a disposal planet and disposable people toward a livable economy that works for all and future generations. And, in this time of unconscionable inequality and climate change we acknowledge that many others feel frozen, unable to act, as what feels sacred seems lost. To those, we extend our hearts.

Report scores Minnesota’s progress in sustainability

Minnesota’s state agencies are making progress toward sustainability goals according to a report by the Department of Administration’s Office of Enterprise Sustainability.

The Enterprise Sustainability 2017 Annual Report is the first collection of data that documents progress on cutting costs and increasing efficiency through sustainable practices.

The report can be viewed online at

Sustainable Agriculture

I’m moving to Duluth at the end of this school year (about 10 months) and I am trying to make a plan for some gardening I intend to do. My personal garden will likely be north of Duluth, in the Island Lake area. I know that the soil there isn’t great and that I will be required to haul in some of my own. I also know that Duluth would be in USDA hardiness Zone 3, so that obviously dictates what I will be able to grow.

My question is: what crops have you had success growing in the Duluth area? Any tips or tricks that might help? I’m passionate about returning to localized food production, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

What’s Duluth Got To Do With It?

Join Food & Water Watch and Community Action Duluth-Seeds of Success on Friday, Aug. 19 at 7 p.m. to talk about the unique role the community of Duluth can play in a Fair Farm Bill. We’ll be presenting on what Duluth stands to gain and lose from the next Farm Bill reauthorization with regard to food access, environmental stewardship, and rebuilding infrastructure for local food systems. What’s more, we’ll talk about how Duluth citizens can get involved and take action!

7pm on Friday, Aug. 19
Chester Park, 15th Ave. E. & Fifth St.

Local Sustainability Film Premiere

Join Sustainable Twin Ports this Thursday, July 28, for the premiere screening of The Early Adopter Project, a documentary by Chani Becker.

5pm: A premiere party hosted by Sustainable Twin Ports will kick off the evening at the Zeitgeist Arts Cafe, followed by 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm screenings of the film at Zinema 2 theaters.

Spring 2011 Sustainability Fair at UMD on April 19 and 20

You’re invited to the Spring 2011 Sustainability Fair at UMD on April 19 and 20. Join us on Tuesday, April 19, as award-winning journalist and former WCCO news anchor Don Shelby talks about the failure of American journalism to tell the most important story since journalism began – global climate change. Don’s talk will take place at 6:30PM in Chemistry Building 200. On Wednesday, April 20, join us for tabling, talks, and tips on sustainability issues. Sustainability panels and special guests will be in Kirby Student Center from 10am to 2pm.

For more details on the Spring 2011 Sustainability Fair at UMD on April 19 and 20, visit the UMD Sustainability web page at