Solar Panels Posts

Frost River has gone solar

Frost River, a maker of canvas packs in Duluth’s Lincoln Park Craft District, is now powering its manufacturing facility and retail store with solar panels. The new rooftop panels are from EPF Solar of Minneapolis and were installed by Belknap Electric.

The cost of adding solar panels to a Duluth home or business


old-central-solar-mapThe Duluth Shines! solar application launched this week, allowing Duluthians curious about the viability of including solar in their home or business energy mix to use an interactive map to find results for installation sizing and cost. UMD’s Geospatial Analysis Center is in the process of digitizing a few remaining neighborhoods in the city, and expects the application to cover all buildings in Duluth by February.

Interested in solar system?

I am planning to order a solar heater system from Lakota Solar Enterprises.  The total with installation is $2,000; system without installation is $1,400.  There is a discount for multiple orders.  Anyone interested?