peace church Posts

Three Local Art & Gift Fairs

Each of these fairs has different local artists — only a few overlap.

On Saturday, Dec. 4, the Get it Local Gift Fair will be held at Peace Church, 1111 N. 11th Ave. E., and will have over 30 Duluth-Superior artists, nonprofits, and local-made or grown items for sale. The fair will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will also serve as a drive (please bring items) for new or gently used children’s (picture) books which will be donated to the Red Book Shelf/United Way and there also will be a collection for Hygiene products to go to the local Salvation Army. From wreaths to jewelry to home decor to dog treats you will find plenty of great things to pick up — all in one setting in one day.