Guides and Lists Posts

Duluth Album Releases in 2010

When it All Comes Down
(Jan. 9)
Available on Bandcamp

Ryan Van Slooten
All But My Soul
(Jan. 26)
Available on Bandcamp

The Boomchucks
Self titled

Duluth Album Releases in 2009

Ben Durbin’s Modern Antiques
Sweet Precious Time
(Feb. 20)
Available on YouTube

The Moon is Down
The Moon is Down’s Excellent Adventure
Automation Records Media Conglomerate (March 19)

Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank
Traveling Show
Available at

Duluth Album Releases in 2008

Number One Common
Secrets Lies and Alibis
(Jan. 1)
Available on Bandcamp

Tangier 57
Last Night Never Happened EP
(March 7)
Available on Bandcamp

The Keep Aways
(March 7)
Available on Bandcamp

Two Many Banjos
Trouble in Paradise
(April 23)
Available on CD Baby

Duluth Album Releases in 2007

Trampled by Turtles
(March 19)
Available on iTunes

Drums and Guns
Sub Pop Records (March 20)
Available on Bandcamp

The Hotel Coral Essex
(April 27)
Available on Bandcamp

Map of Duluth Zip Codes

I am having a really hard time finding a decent map of the Duluth zip codes on the internet. Does anyone have a clue of where I can find an image of a map that can be put into a survey report I am writing for my organization? All I can find are the crappy “City-Data” websites and I am not sure if that is the best place or not. I need 55802-55812.

Major Concerts at the DECC: 1966 to 2010


This feature is an ongoing attempt to list all the major concerts at the DECC Arena and Symphony Hall from 1966 to 2010, which of course includes the era when they were known as the Duluth Arena and Duluth Auditorium.

Duluth MN Web Cams

If you know of any area web cams please post a link in the comments.

References to Duluth in Popular Literature

Mark Twain’s Following the Equator
“A few ships rode at anchor in it — one of them a sailing vessel flying the American flag; and they said she came from Duluth! There’s a journey! Duluth is several thousand miles from the sea, and yet she is entitled to the proud name of Mistress of the Commercial Marine of the United States of America. There is only one free, independent, unsubsidized American ship sailing the foreign seas, and Duluth owns it. All by itself that ship is the American fleet. … For what Duluth has done, in building, equipping, and maintaining at her sole expense the American Foreign Commercial Fleet … we owe her a debt of gratitude which our hearts shall confess with quickened beats whenever her name is named henceforth. … Health and prosperity to Thee, O Duluth, American Queen of the Alien Seas!”

Ernest Hemmingway - The Torrents of SpringErnest Hemingway’s The Torrents of Spring
“The foreman was a short, iron-jawed man. He had once made a trip as far as Duluth. Duluth was far across the blue waters of the lake in the hills of Minnesota. A wonderful thing had happened to him there.”

F Scott Fitzgerald - The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby
“A few days later he took him to Duluth and bought him a blue coat, six pair of white duck trousers, and a yachting cap.”

Dalton Trumbo LettersDalton Trumbo’s letter to Guy Endore
“I’ve seen their faces in a miners’ union hall in Duluth on a night when the wind off the lake blew the snow so killingly and so deep that cars couldn’t be used and everybody walked to the meeting.”

Willa Cather - The Song of the LarkWilla Cather’s The Song of the Lark
“I must go now. I had to give my lesson hour this morning to a Duluth woman who has come on to coach, and I must go and play ‘On Mighty Pens’ for her. Please tell Mr. Harsanyi that I think oratorio is a great chance for bluffers.”

An Incomplete and Random List of Beloved Characters in Duluth

Hung – Vo Hung has bought more rounds of drinks than the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Richard Wozniak – The longtime proprietor of Young at Heart Records could find anything you needed.

Frank Nichols – He’s lovable, he’s cuddly, he plays harmonica and rides the lift bridge.

Christmas Tree Lady – Claudia Abrahamson put up 37 Christmas trees in 2008, carefully placing them in every room of her house.

Five-mile-an-hour Harold – Harold Nelson was an elderly Duluth Heights resident, known for constantly walking around the city. Sadly, he was struck by a car while crossing Central Entrance at Trinity Road on August 10, 2009. He died three days later. Up until the very end — at age 83 — he was still walking, often stopping to pick up garbage or clear snow from bus stops. In his younger days he worked for the city of Duluth in the purchasing division.

Duluth Songs: A list of songs with “Duluth” in the lyrics or title

This post was launched in 2009 and the list of Duluth songs continues to expand as new ones are reported. In mid-2018 the gradual process was begun of including links to posts with audio (and video if available) of the songs.