Knife River Posts

Julebyen Troll Patrol

Learn all about the infestation of trolls in the Knife River area.

Knife River Aerial Video

Adam Jagunich explores the mouth of Knife River, Knife Island and Lake Superior by drone.

Selective Focus: Justin Christopher Ayd

Justin Christopher Ayd has a close relationship with movies and film. He is working on a feature documentary project shot on the North Shore on super 8 and 16mm film, and explains why in a very digital age, celluloid is the right medium for this project. If you’d like to help out with the project, links are included below.

JCA: I work professionally in two fields simultaneously – filmmaking and film projection. Both aspects of film were introduced to me at a young age, filmmaking and the exhibition side, and by 1992 I knew I wanted to not only make movies, but be the person in the shadows running motion picture film for audiences.

Knife River Documentary

Justin Christopher Ayd and Jennifer Lillemo Ayd of H8C Productions in Minneapolis have been working on a documentary about Knife River, a small community about eight miles northeast of Duluth. The trailer above reflects the quiet tone and style that will characterize the completed film.

Knife River Fawn

Video by Frank Sander from out the window of the Blau House at the Little Knife Sanctuary in Knife River, with music by Ryan Clover.

Fishing on the Knife River, Spring 1962


From the Cliff’s Barber Shop Collection.