Historic Summer Solstice Flood Disaster Posts

57th Avenue Roadway / Flood Reconstruction Video

The flood of 2012 left its mark on Keene Creek, Highland Avenue and 57th Avenue West in West Duluth. This relatively boring video was shot a few days before the roads were closed and one day after completion of the summer-long, 11-million-dollar reconstruction project. Let’s take a rip from Grand Avenue to Skyline for some before/after video.

R.I.P. Irving Recreation Center

Irving Recreation Center 2014

Demolition of the Irving Recreation Center has been taking place this week. Above is a photo of the rubble. Below is a shot from February 2013.


Work underway on 63rd & Bristol

Bristol Street

The precious connector between Grand Avenue and Cody Street has been blocked off since the Historic Summer Solstice Flood Disaster of 2012, but work is now underway to reconstruct 63rd Avenue West and Bristol Street at Keene Creek.

For those in a summer mood …

“Duluth Sketches: Park Point After The Flood” video by Shawn Donovan.

Stone-Arch Bridge and Haines Road open


The Stewart Creek Stone-Arch Bridge at Magney-Snively Natural Area (State Bridge Number L6007; built circa 1925) has been repaired from damage sustained during the Hideous Solstice Flood Calamity of 2012. The bridge had sustained significant flood damage and deterioration to the abutment walls, stone-arch underside, headwalls, wing walls, railing and guard stones. (We’re not sure when that sign was damaged or when it will be pulled upright.)

R.I.P. Westminster Presbyterian Church in West Duluth

westminister1 westminister2

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Westminster Presbyterian Church demolition is underway at 4441 Grand Avenue in West Duluth. The church was a victim of the Historic Summer Solstice Flood Disaster of 2012, when a culvert beneath the building worked its way into the basement and wrecked the place. The city of Duluth bought it as part of its Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program. The church was built in 1961.

Update: In 2015 Westminster’s congregation moved to a new home at 9030 Beaudry St. in Duluth’s lower Smithville neighborhood.

Tree Planting in Duluth

Almost exactly a year after the historic flood, we found the timing to be refreshingly ironic as we set off on our annual tree planning exercise. Employees from Loll Designs, Epicurean, and Intectural all joined to plant trees in four areas around Duluth (Amity Creek, Hartley, Kingsbury Creek, and Featherstone Drive). As it is known, erosion from stream beds were hit hard from the flood and we saw that first-hand as we sought to plant and rehab those areas.


As some of you know, I have long been interested in storm-water retention. Looking at these pictures of the flood, I am going to once more enter into the fray. I do not do this seeking anything, it just seems to be a common sense thing to do on so many levels. This is what I think. Take it for whatever you want. One small thing you could do.

Flood Damage/Recovery

This little MPR piece with Derek Montgomery’s photos is the coolest.

Before and after photos: 2012 flood damage, recovery in Duluth, northeast Minnesota

Follow the link to see the flood photos from a year ago, then click on the image to transform it to a post-flood 2013 image.

Haines Road temporarily open between Skyline Parkway and Morris Thomas Road

Haines Road has re-opened between Skyline Parkway and Morris Thomas Road. (Haines Road below Skyline, where it connects to 40th Avenue West, remains closed.) This means it is again possible to travel along Skyline across Haines Road.

Conservation district still accepting erosion reports from June floods

Private landowners in south St. Louis County who have yet to register erosion issues from the June floods should do so by Sept. 28. The South St. Louis Soil and Water Conservation District has already received more than 100 calls. New, undocumented erosion may also be eligible for recently allocated flood relief funds.

Flood Video: Calling Extras to the Set

LoLa Visuals is putting together a video for the city of Duluth to bring to the state legislature in attempts to attain state assistance for flood victims. We are filming the closing shot Aug. 19 at 5 p.m. in Canal Park by the pier and need as many people as possible to come join. The final shot will include Sarah Krueger singing “High Tide or Low Tide” with an expanse of Duluthians surrounding her swaying to the music; a final plea for the state to stand by us in both high times and low times.

Duluth Flood Skateboarding

Post-flood skateboarding with Colton Maddy, Steve, John Schneider and Taylor Verva. Shot by Travis and Cody. Edited by Travis Doyle.

Mayor Ness using Twitter for flood info?

Does anybody know if Duluth Mayor Don Ness is on Twitter? I seem to recall a mention about it, but I can’t seem to find him on Twitter.

Flood repair/cleanup photos?

Everyone has shared flood shots, how about any repair/cleanup/recovery shots? Road repairs, grading washouts etc. Not as much impact but something that should be saved for down the road showing how things came back together. People from afar are interested in how its going.