Geeky Posts

Dungeons & Dragons Mentor Needed

My 10-year-old, known by old PDDers as “Little Pirate”, wants to start playing “Dungeons & Dragons”. Can anyone help explain what “Dungeons & Dragons” is to him? He wants to play the game because he’s a HUGE Futurama fan.

And are there any D&D kids groups in Duluth?

Current Farmtown Grain Exchange Prices

* Data Updated to Include Cost of Plowing/Preparing Fields

Product Days Cost Net Gross Profit/Day
grapes 4 hours 40 56 16 $95.98
onion 3 190 338 148 $49.33
sunflower 3 135 277 142 $47.33
peas 2 110 202 92 $46.00
rice 2 100 190 90 $45.00
corn 3 150 285 135 $45.00
coffee 3 170 298 128 $42.67
wheat 2 100 180 80 $40.00
wheat 2 100 180 80 $40.00
potato 1 60 99 39 $39.00
watermelon 1 55 92 37 $37.00
strawberry 1 50 85 35 $35.00
tomato 2 70 140 70 $35.00
cabbage 1 85 107 22 $22.00

Weather report


About 4:30 Tuesday in the Kenwood neighborhood.

May the Fourth Be With You


Free Comic Book Day 2009

fcbd_cymk_date1Saturday, May 2, is Free Comic Book Day!

Stop by these Duluth locations for free comics!

(218) 726-1360

(218) 720-4669

2009 Homegrown Schedule for Friday Night

A relatively easy to read, West to East layout for Friday in Excel format:

Friday Homegrown Me!!

Where are Duluth’s Protectors?

Cincinnati gets caped crusaders and we don’t?

Come on people! Let’s see some Duluthians on this registry!

Sacred Heart Experimental Tuesday

Sacred Heart Music Center

* 7 p.m. – Tim Kaiser

* 8 p.m. – Rivulets

* 9 p.m. – Sight Like December


2009 Geek Royalty


All hail the new King and Queen of Geek Prom, James Ellingson and Rachael Gilman.

Spring Sustainability Fair

Energy, Campus, and Communitygood-tree

April 21 at the UMD Kirby Student Center

10 am-4 pm

Call: 722-SAVE for bus schedules

Informational booths, demonstrations and panel discussions on many topics, with a focus on energy.

Call 722-SAVE for Bus Schedules.

*Panels and Presenters* (Kirby Lounge)
11:00 a.m. Wind Power! Community wind projects in NE Minnesota, and results from wind resource research on the UMD campus: Mike Mageau, UMD Geography and Center for Sustainable Community Development

12:00 p.m. Campus Energy Research – Malosky Solar Array: Andrew Bentley, Brandon Eberle, and Scott Norr, UMD Electrical and Computer Engineering

12:30 p.m. Campus Energy Research – Multiple-Energy Source Integration: Jeron Smith, Tom Soldner, Drew Jensen, David Buszmann, and Paul Weber, UMD Electrical and Computer Engineering

1:00 p.m. Energy: Choices, Issues, and UMD’s Role: Tom Ferguson, 3M McKnight Professor, UMD Elect & Comp Engr

2:00 p.m. Go lean before going green: The role of energy conservation and why it should always come first: Dean Talbott, Residential Program Specialist, Minnesota Power

3:00 p.m. Twin Ports Campus Sustainability Panel: How are Twin Ports universities and colleges addressing sustainability? (UMD, CSS, LSC, UWS)

4:00 p.m. Hartley Nature Center’s Electron-Search for Smart Energy (Near UMD Bus Stop)

*Booths and Presentations*

David Syring’s Anthropology Seminar Class Sustainability Projects
NE Minnesota CERTs
Conservation Technologies
UMD Office of Sustainability
UMD Office of Civic Engagement
True North AmeriCorps
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Minnesota Power
Jes Durfee Glass Blowing
Outdoor EdVentures
Duluth Community Supported Herbalism
Sustainable Twin Ports
UMD Sustainability Coalition
Cut Loose Creations


So you think you’re a geek??

*MAD* bonus points who can tell me what “GNDN” stands for. No Googling!!

TNG switch plate covers

TNG switch plate covers

Get yer Geek On!

Geek Prom is only three days away!
Are you feeling appropriately geeky/nerdy/dorky?


  • 56 Geeks – how many flavors of geek are you?
  • Dork Yearbook – vintage geeky photos celebrating the truly dorky among us
  • The Geek Code – only those who know the secret can see how geeky you truly are
  • Geek Monthly – show your mailman just how nerdy you are ($6.00 off with code “2da3”)
  • Geek Test – do you even qualify to be a geek?
  • Nerd Merit Badges super nerdy badges to proudly display your geekiness
  • Pathetic Geek Stories – real life geek humiliation in comic form
  • Think Geek – where to spend all of your geeky dollars
  • xkcd – these stick figures know all about math and geeky subculture

Where in the Twin Ports?

Is this?

Ice Pack


Sci Fi Spelling Bee

scifi_spelling_bee.jpgOn April 18 I’m going to be hosting the first ever Sci Fi Spelling Bee at the Geek Prom and I need your help. I’m looking for words, terms, people and place names, and so on that are native to some science fiction franchise for use in the bee.

Please give me the following information for your entry.

Word (eg – phaser, Kashyyyk, frak)

Origin (what franchise) (eg – Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica)

Usage (eg – “Set your phaser to stun!” “Chewbacca went back to Kashyyyk.” “What the frak are you talking about?”)

If possible also give me some Documentation (a web link would be good) supporting your entry.

Also, these words don’t have to be hard. They can be fairly simple or intermediate words. They just have to be sci fi words.

So that we don’t spill the beans on all the words for the contestants, please don’t put them in the comments, but send them to me at [email protected].

Thanks for your help! This should be fun!