Geeky Posts

Nerd Nite 1.2 – The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown – Round 3

Round 1 is done and Round 2 is still in voting, but here is Round 3 of the Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown. In Round 1 Sylvester McCoy prevailed over Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston trounced Colin Baker. So here are your brackets now.

Round 3
Bracket # 4
Sylvester McCoy vs. Tom Baker
Bracket # 5David Tennant vs. Christopher Eccleston

UMD Alumni Composer Concert Tuesday

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 – 7:30pm
UMD Alumni Composer Concert
UMD Weber Hall
Adult $8 – Senior $7 – Student $5 – UMD Student $3 – Alumni $2

This is new classical chamber music featuring a real PDD’er!

The concert features the music of 4 umd alumni composers: Robert Linnemann, Ryan Rapsys, Nick Mroczek and James Gould. All of the pieces are lyrical, varied and entertaining. Every composition is a world debut! The Gichigami Piano Trio is the featured group, but the umd woodwind quintet and other small ensembles will also play.

Nerd Nite 1.2 – The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown – Round 2

I’m on a mission to competitively assess the best Doctor ever, March Madness style!

While I tabulate the results from Round 1, here is Round 2. Send your votes to [email protected] and feel free to make your case in the comments below.

Round 2
Bracket # 3Patrick Troughton vs. Jon Pertwee
Bracket # 6William Hartnell vs. Peter Davison

More about Google, SXSW and Homegrown

Here is a photo from Google’s SXSW Bash and here is a note from Austin Techie Friend:

If you agree that Austin would be a great city for Google to build a high-speed data network go to for an opportunity for you to tell them. Click on the “nominate Austin” link in the lower left corner.

Click here to see what ideas have been posted.


Google SXSW

We have things to learn from Austin — even if they “suck.” Homegrown is a great thing. Let’s put our brains to work here instead of our emotions.

iPhone owners rejoice!

This may be old news but I noticed yesterday as I was rolling down Tower Ave in Superior that my iPhone was showing a 3G connection, I thought it was for fake but it was for real!

Nerd Nite 1.2 – The Ultimate Doctor Who Showdown – Round 1

Ten go in! One comes out!

For Nerd Nite 1.2 I am going to settle once and for all who the best Doctor is, at least until Matt Smith becomes the Doctor starting April 4. In the spirit of March Madness I have constructed a bracket and have seeded the Doctors based on how many stories aired in their reign.

“Cities Go Gaga for Google Fiber”

Catching up on some of my favorite tech blogs this morning and found this familiar face headlining a post on Gizmodo

Duluth, Minnesota
But wait! Patrick Garmoe, public information officer of the Google Twin Ports Initiative laughs sheepishly as he explains Googlefest, an event that is one part rally, one part carnival and all parts enthusiasm for the promise of Google Fiber. In the midst of bands, choirs and other entertainment, “We’ll be shooting a movie with real actors and a Hollywood director and live-streaming the event to impress Google,” Garmoe says. The new initiative comes on the heels of Deluth mayor Don Ness’s own stunts. In a spoof video proclamation that in honor of Google, all first born males would be henceforth named GoogleFiber and first born females would of course be Googlette. Also, he literally sunk to a new low in the brutal battle for business. He jumped into the freezing waters of Lake Superior. Hizzoner, perhaps you’ll be deterred from further lunacy by these extremely gnarly Google Image results for “frostbite.”

[Google Twin Ports]

Google Bike

Google biking. Very rad.

Shorter Days for All of Us?

Maybe this isn’t really a local enough topic for PDD, but given the earlier post on whether we’re vulnerable here to earthquakes, a Yahoo news story today seems interesting and relevant. The Chile quake apparently may have shifted earth’s axis, and made earth days slightly shorter. And this has happened before with big quakes, too.

Reminds me, too, of a Harper’s article from 2000 about dam building. There’s a quotation in that article that says: “The planet accommodates 40,000 large dams–dams more than four stories high–and some 800,000 small ones. They have shifted so much weight that geophysicists believe they have slightly altered the speed of the earth’s rotation, the tilt of its axis, and the shape of its gravitational field. Together they blot out a terrain bigger than California.”

So, any thoughts–think we’re headed towards shorter Perfect Duluth Days due to earthquakes and dam building?

Apologies in Advance for Opening Such a Shit-Storm of Nerdom

Thursday, March 18 · Triple Rock Social Club
Leslie and the LYs with Christopher the Conquered

The latest on Google Fiber in Duluth

Report by Minnesota Public Radio’s Bob Kelleher

Lundgren better be funny…

I’m in the mood for funny … so Paul Lundgren’s Happy Hour better be funny … dammit.

Paul Lundgren - Open Mic @ Carmody Irish Pub - HG08

What: Paul Lundgren and poet Ryan Vine share the stage
When: Tonight @ 6pm
Where: Teatro Zuccone

Think about showing up. Paul’s mom would like it if you did.

Turbo Rathvon & Wyatt Famous with Fearless M.I.

Saturday Feb. 27 at 9 p.m. at Hell Burgers in Canal Park.

Come see the rising stars of the Twin Ports music scene: Turbo Rathvon, Wyatt Famous, and Fearless Moral Inventory! No Cover!

MPR interview with Mayor Ness – Duluth tries to land high-speed Internet via Google

The mayor of Duluth is ready to throw his city’s hat in the ring for a new Google experiment to test ultra-high speed Internet access.

MPR’s Steven John talks to Don Ness about his city’s plan.

Threaded Comments – Aborted

As explained in this post, Perfect Duluth Day experimented with threaded comments for a few days. The benefits of it seemed to be outweighed by the complications of it, so the experiment is now over and comments are back to working like they used to.

Since previously threaded comments are now unthreaded, we hope it won’t create too much confusion to readers who haven’t been following along.