Lost and Found Posts

iPhone lost at Firefly last night

My trusty old iPhone 4 (with black rubber case) escaped at the Zinema last night, making a clean getaway during the Firefly show from around 9:15 to 11ish. I was camped out in the front of the theater — middle of the second row. If you saw it or heard anyone found it, please let me know.

Thanks a whole bunch,

Orange and white kitty — stray? feral?

A medium-sized orange and white cat has been coming to eat on my deck for the past (at least) two weeks. It runs when it sees me — so no photo (yet). I will try to catch it and see if there is a collar or chip and what shape it’s in. Lakeside — near London Road and 54th Avenue East.

Wandering dog in Lincoln Park

I came home tonight to a lost dog in our driveway. A golden retriever mix of some sort (smaller for a golden). Golden and white colored. No collar. When we tried to coax her closer, she ran away. I followed her down the block and she tried to take shelter on a porch but bolted when I tried to get a hold to bring her in somewhere warm. She is obviously very scared and it’s too cold for her to be outside tonight. If you are missing a dog, please come look down Restormel Street and the surrounding area. I went for a walk to look for her once I got warmer clothes on but couldn’t find her again.

Lost dog in Lincoln Park

I was walking in Lincoln Park just an hour ago and this female dog seemed to not know where to go. She was poking her nose in snowbanks back and forth for blocks along Third street. She wouldn’t let me get close enough to see her tags. She’s golden hued, sort of like a short-haired golden retriever if there is such a thing. She has a white muff (chin and neck). She’s donning a red collar. The likelihood that someone reading this will find her is minimal, but I figured the readership here would know people who know people to take care of these type of things. It’s not that warm out there.

Stolen Bicycle: Park Point Break-ins

Hello fellow Duluthians. ‘Tis a sad day on Park Point. It appears another round of robberies has occurred. I had a bicycle stolen out of my garage last night. Pretty ballsy I must say, the thing didn’t even have flat pedals so I am surprised they were able to get off with it. Anywho, if you happen to spot a red Masi Randonneur with a leather saddle, front racks and goofy swept leather handlebars around town, please be so kind as to shoot me a message.

Cash reward for any info, and on account of being a bicycle mechanic, free tuneups for a lifetime!

Justin 218-310-7961

Stolen Chair From Chester Bowl’s Chairlift

Lost Chihuahua in Central Hillside

Black-and-white spotted chihuahua. Long hair. Black ears. Goes by the name Finn. Lost near 16th Avenue East and Fourth Street, around 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24.

She pulled out of her collar, so no leash or collar. If found please call Brooke at 218-591-5590 or Pat at 218-343-5675.

Lost Car Key at Hawk Ridge

My friend lost a Subaru key while she was running the trails behind Hawk Ridge – snowmobile trail, Amity Trail, Superior Hiking Trail. Replacing it will cost her $260. Have you seen it?

Found Black Bunny

There’s a black bunny that looks pretty cute and domestic, but has been living it up in the wild for the past month in our alley. If his owner was looking for him, he’s not hard to find, we have a bunny sighting almost daily. He’s been doing well so far, but with the cold coming, I think he might want to go back into a hutch. If you want a tough little bunny, go look in the alley downhill of 13th Street and Diamond.

Credit card found in Chester Park

Found a credit card in the parking lot at Chester Park on October 4. If it’s yours, post a comment here to contact me (your return email is sent to me automatically when you comment).

Missing cat alert in Hunters Park / Morely Heights area

My friends cat has gotten out. It’s been gone for 48 hours now, in the area of Sussex and Leicester.

Lost Childs Merrell Shoe on Lakewalk

I lost one childs Merrell shoe on Saturday when walking on the Lakewalk. It is about a size 3 and is blue and orange with a Velcro strap. I would really like to get this shoe back, please let me know if you happen to have picked it up or have seen it. Thanks!

Lost Cat

Via SirJeff for a friend: Full grown grey tabby cat lost in East Hillside near Sixth Street and 11th Avenue. Answers to Abigail, or friendly voices. Very friendly. Has claws, but are trimmed. No collar. We miss her very much and hope she comes home soon. Any info please call – 218-310-7050.

Lost husky-type dog in Chester Park

I found a  dog in the Chester Park area. Or rather, he found me. He’s very cool please call me if he is yours. I’ll need a detailed description.

Thanks, Jason 218-996-122seven

Found: Warehouse Bar artifact

1988 relic.