Food Farm Posts

The Slice: Rutabaga Giveaway 2022

The Food Farm held its annual Rutabaga Giveaway on Feb. 9 at Wild State Cider. One rutabaga was turned into a curling stone, because … obviously.

Free Range Trials of Cecilia Ramon and Kathy McTavish


“In farming terms, field trials are an opportunity to determine effectiveness of experimental techniques in agriculture.” 

On Sunday I went to the Free Range Trials at the Food Farm in Wrenshall. Free Range Trials is a lab for artistic process and creative experimentation through the exhibition of work by Kathy McTavish and Cecila Ramon. The lab will be open daily between 2 and 5 p.m. through Sept. 3. To learn about Ramon, you can listen to KUMD here.

Veggies by Subscription: CSA signup season underway in Duluth

Carrot - ParsnipIt might seem too early to be thinking about fresh local vegetables. The growing season around Lake Superior doesn’t generally start until May, but area farmers are already busy planning their crops and ordering seeds. The signup period has begun for most farms offering community supported agriculture subscriptions. The online CSA Signup Day is today, Feb. 24; Duluth’s CSA open house is March 19.

Farm shares offer a direct method for consumers to access fresh food from local growers. Members buy a seasonal “share” from the farm. During harvest time, which is generally mid-June to mid-December, members go to a designated spot each week to pick up a box of mixed seasonal produce.

Slow TV: Basket Weeding at the Food Farm

Is this the most boring video ever shot at the Food Farm? Or the most mesmerizing?

You be the judge.

Wrestling with a $90 turkey

12243176_10153326734618562_1760330127768819617_nNinety dollars for a pastured turkey. Are you kidding me??? When I agreed to take the extra bird off the farmer’s hands, I assumed it might cost about half that. At the time I was working minimum wage as a part-time farmhand. I traded nearly two days of work for this bird, and probably half that in bike time just to get to and from the Food Farm. Take a peek at Ed’s Big Adventure to find out if the final product was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears. You just might wind up planning your Thanksgiving celebration today.

Slow TV: Broccoli Planting at the Food Farm

So good for you. So slow for you.

Slow TV: Carrot Washing at the Food Farm

This is how the Food Farm washes carrots, slowly.

Review: Kathy McTavish’s Høle in the Sky


Is there a hole in sky? Art mesmerizes the Food Farm!

Media artist Kathy McTavish and the new-music ensemble Zeitgeist took over two windowless rooms of the Food Farm root cellar in Wrenshall this past Saturday to present the interactive exhibition Høle in the Sky to an audience of about 25 people.

Slow TV: Winter Share Packing at the Food Farm

See your Food Farmers pack up February’s share of vegetables and experience a phenomenon I like to call “maximum mesmerization.”

Slow TV! Coming Soon from the Food Farm

Have you ever wondered how the Food Farm in Wrenshall grows such delicious and wholesome food? In 2016, you’ll get to feast on a bumper crop of incredibly-detailed-but-somehow-mesmerizing-behind-the-scenes videos shot at the farm in the style of Norwegian public television’s Slow TV documentaries. Here’s a small taste.

Our very own “odd couple” produces food and art organically

Annie and Janaki

Annie Dugan and Janaki Fisher-Merritt are two of the most fascinating individuals I’ve ever met. When considering that they are forged together in the partnership of marriage, farming, and as catalysts of unique art, the combined effect is like lightning captured in a bottle. Duluth is beyond fortunate to have them influencing our lives in unique and whimsical ways. Learn about the masterminds behind the Food Farm, Free Range Film Festival, the Duluth Art Institute, and more, here.