Feodor von Luerzer Posts

Feodor von Luerzer’s Lake Superior oil painting

Duluthian Feodor von Luerzer presumably painted this image 125 years ago; an auction listing on invaluable.com notes it is “signed and dated 1900.” The listing, however, renders the name as “Frederick von Luerzer” and lists the artist’s year of death as 1917. Feodor von Luerzer died in 1913. The landscape painter lived in Duluth from 1889 to 1909.

For more on Von Luerzer visit the zenithcity.com archive on archive.org.

Feodor von Luerzer painting of Lester River

This painting of the Lester River circa 1900 was recently sold on eBay, mislabeled as a painting of “Luster River.”