Duluth is Horrible Posts

Duluth is Horrible

It’s been ten years since Vincent Gargiulo completed his short movie Duluth is Horrible. Finally, the full flick is available for online viewing. Enjoy the horror.

So, was it horrible or wonderful?

During a spring in which the weather in Duluth was truly horrible, the movie Duluth is Horrible ironically opened on an incredibly gorgeous day. So, what did those of you who ducked out of the sun think of the flick?

The horror!

I had a dream last night

I was in a cathedral, standing in the nave. The pews were empty, the building dark. It must have been night. Without warning, a choir’s song sliced through the hushed darkness, their voices intertwining to illuminate the room – a bright, pure light. I could see their faces, one thousand beautiful children, dressed in white. I stood there motionless, enraptured by their song, their words washing over me. The tune was bracingly enigmatic, yet hauntingly familiar – they sung a single phrase over and over:

Vincent Gargiulo is horrible.

“Duluth is Horrible” Casting Call

Everyone’s upcoming least favorite film is having auditions Jan. 30 & Jan. 31. Here is the notice with all the info about the film & characters. If interested, please send me an email with any acting experience you have, a pic, and what roles you prefer. Acting experience isn’t necessary. Just be willing to work and have fun with it. Thanks and I look forward to meeting with you.


“Duluth is Horrible” Kickstarter

This February (maybe), filmmaker Vincent Gargiulo will be coming to Duluth to film a short movie titled Duluth is Horrible. Chip into the Kickstarter here, and/or follow the news on their blog.