Duluth Harbor and Waterfront Posts

Postcard from the Steamer Easton

This undated postcard from the V. O. Hammon Publishing Company shows the Steamer Easton in the Duluth Harbor. The image can be roughly dated between 1905 and 1917.

Duluth Shipping Canal in 1899

This photo from Detroit Publishing Company shows the view looking west from the end of the south pier of Duluth’s shipping canal before there was an Aerial Bridge. William Henry Jackson is credited as the photographer.

The Library of Congress dates the image as “between 1890 and 1910,” but research by Mark Ryan for the story “W. H. Jackson’s Photographs of Duluth” for Zenith City Press puts the time of Jackson’s visit to Duluth as the summer of 1899.

Mystery Photo: Minnesota Slip Drawbridge

This old slide image shows a cabin cruiser passing under the Minnesota Slip Drawbridge, a pedestrian bridge spanning the Minnesota Slip on the Duluth waterfront. When was this photo taken?