Bitching Posts

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

This may be a long shot, but I am hoping PDDers can help. Last night I had two wicker chairs stolen off my front porch by Eighth Ave. E. and Seventh St. Normally, I wouldn’t mind, but these chairs were my great grandmother’s, so they have some sentimental value to me.

They are a darker green with green- and white-striped cushions (although one of the cushions I found in the neighbor’s yard, so one is missing). One is a rocking chair and the other looks the same, but it’s just a regular chair.

I can’t imagine people carrying them around too far, as they are kind of heavy, unless they took them away in a car. I have scoped out the neighborhood, but have not found any sign of them. I’m hoping they weren’t ditched on the side of a street and someone else picked them up thinking they were free for the taking.

If you could keep your eyes out for them, I would greatly appreciate it. If you are the dirty rotten scoundrels that took them, please put them back where you found them. I just don’t understand why people do this type of thing — it really irks me. Thanks for your help!

DSL Slowdown?

We use Qwest DSL and for the last two or three weeks we have been having weird slowdowns. Most of the time, web pages load almost instantly but sometimes a page takes so long to load that we get a “can’t find the server” message. It’s not site dependent and we haven’t changed computers, DSL modem or router. It’s almost like we are getting a busy signal or something. Anyone else who uses Qwest DSL (especially in the Woodland area) experiencing these slowdowns?

Gravel time

A friend pointed me to an article in the Wall Street Journal on communities that are replacing paved roads with gravel in order to save money. Which led me to think… Duluth really ought to de-pave Hawk Ridge and Seven Bridges Roads as soon as possible.

I think it was only in the last ten years or so that the city splashed a half-assed layer of asphalt on those roads–within a year or two, they had deteriorated to the point where the “pavement” was bumpier than the gravel it was supposed to cover. By now, those roads are a barely navigable moonscape. Judging by the condition of various residential streets and important thoroughfares, I anticipate the city will probably have sufficient funds to properly re-pave Hawk Ridge and Seven Bridges about ten minutes before hell freezes over–so why not admit defeat on this one? Would it be all that expensive to run a grader up and down there every week or two in the summer? Is there some other compelling reason to stick with the mess that’s up there now?

Duluth Plaza Super One … Is it just me?

I shop at the Co-op, Cub, and Super One, depending on what I need and where I am at the time. I’ve noticed that the Plaza Super One has much higher prices and lower quality produce than the other Super One stores. There are also fewer healthy product alternatives and generic alternatives at this location. And each time I go there, at least one of the items I buy does not ring up for the advertised sale price.

The cynical side of me wonders if the owners might be consciously taking advantage of the Plaza’s customer base, which appears to be of a lower income than that of their other stores — many of whom don’t have a car to use to get to another store.

Does anyone else share this perception or experience, or is it just me? Because lately I’ve developed a new, highly cynical theory on the human race: People are not essentially good, but they are not inherently evil either;  rather, they are prone to do the wrong thing (or the lazy thing), especially if they think no one is watching or that they won’t get caught.

Do you need a bag for that?

My dog happens to be the least alpha dog there is. He barks rarely. In fact when I got him from Animal Allies I wondered if he had been de-barked because he didn’t bark for 3 days. This morning he barked at something out the front door window.

I went over to look, thinking it could be a delivery person or something. Turns out it is someone who let their dog poop in my front yard and then was walking away from it, not picking it up. I turned on my Minnesota, passive aggressive self, “Excuse me do you need a bag or shovel to help pick that up? I’ve got a trash can right here you can put it in.” (point to trowel and trashcan literally feet from where she is).

Reminder dog owners: pick it up. If you happen to come by my house, feel free to use the doggie trash can perched in the front yard. That’s what it is there for.

Need Fun!

I don’t get it. Is the billboard telling me I need fun in Hulk/Caveman language? Does Roper’s need fun people to facilitate a positive atmosphere and therefore generate more customers? Does the billboard proclaim that people in general need to have fun in their lives? Is there really someone (like Mr. Norman Fell in Three’s Company) named Roper? Or does the place belong to all people who rope things, in which case the apostrophe is misplaced? This is what I’m asking you.

Canal Theft Park

It always sucks to have something stolen from you. Recently (within the past 3-4 days) I was sitting down on the north side of the pier right by the bridge with some friends, when I walked away to go back to my car, realizing: Oh wow, I forgot my backpack! So, not even 5 minutes had passed, and when I went back to get it, it was gone. I thought, “Oh, someone just picked it up and will read my contact info on the inside and call me later.” That never happened. It was a black Duluth Pack that was given to me from my girlfriend, and then inside was my favorite pea green sweater ever, my iPod Classic, and then my headphones. In the front pocket was a whole lot of fun stuff too. So, I’m just saying, if anyone has it, please return it. I’d be so thankful and probably give you a few bucks for being an awesome person and returning it. If I find you wearing it, I’m going to have to punch you.

Dial 715 for Superior

Beginning July 17, Duluthians must dial area code 715 to call Superior. The good old days are over.

Starting Aug. 14, some new numbers in the 715 area code will be issued area code 534. What are local calls now will still be local calls, but you’ll have to dial the extra numbers, so it’s pretty much the end of the world as we know it.

Do I have the right to drive to work without seeing dead fetuses?

Apparently not. Corner of First Street and First Avenue East. The fact is, I cannot get to the parking lot for work without driving by, and often getting stopped at a light, near signs of dead fetuses.

St. Mary’s/Duluth Clinic double billing?

Have you ever been double billed by SMDC?

I received a bill from both St. Mary’s and the Duluth Clinic that didn’t go away after paying the clinic. My friend recently also ran into the same problem. Database glitch?

I should add the bill was exactly the same amount.

Animals left in cars

Now that it quit raining and we have sun and heat, please help spread the word about dogs in cars. Twice already I’ve seen dogs locked in cars; one with windows barely cracked and another closed tightly. Next time, I’m calling the cops.

And while I’m on the animal rant, what is it with dogs in the backs of pick ups but not in a kennel? It outta be illegal!

Duluth a progressive city?

I was having a conversation with a young friend of mine today and I said Duluth is not a progressive city. But you have to look at what you have said. So I retract that and will clarify.

At the forefront of Duluth doing what I would call progressive thinking is the organic farm movement. There are good urban gardeners and also friends of ours that moved out into the country who are now raising and selling their produce. And we have an up-and-coming arts and music scene. Beyond that it slips away.

The question would be: What is a progressive city? Obviously something is lacking for me. I’d like to see a kick the jams hit on making Duluth sustainable. And what does that mean? The first thing to do when there is a big task is do the first thing right. And because I think this town lags in any sort of alternative energy program. This is a purely symbolic gesture with some overtures of functionality.

Let’s put a fund together, I pledge 50 dollars and we research and get the best solar with windturbine street light and put it on Lake and Superior. You make that intersection run under it’s own power and I’ll take off my hat to ya.

What would that do? If you could make it work it would prove you could do it. It would give a visible indication of what you could do. What is hardcore sustainability? Air, water, food. What is citywide sustainability? Much bigger deal, but it would make a progressive community.

Gobin Pawshington rips Babwa Spry Pelts

Duluth News Tribune Editor Robin Washington got one thing right in his column this week: The DNT is not good at promoting itself.

Washington announced that city hall reporter Brandon Stahl has been promoted to investigative/special projects editor and noted some other staff shuffling. It’s supposed to be good news. It shows that the DNT intends to focus more on investigative journalism. That’s what readers want, right?

Western Middle School site. Discuss.

As a hardcore environmentalist and a Red Plan critic, I am rather befuddled by all the talk of an EIS for the Western Middle School.

To be quite honest, the Western Middle School on the chosen site is the one part of the Red Plan I actually support. As an avid outdoor explorer, I think I’ve made tracks in just about every wild spot in Duluth, this one included. I can tell you the “pristine field” critics talk about is mostly an invasive buckthorn hell. Putting a middle school there, if done right, could lead to ecological restoration and native landscaping to improve a highly disturbed ecosystem.

Three years of road rage (and wide open left lanes)?

Since we have to endure this “mega-project” for so long, we better all get on the same page.

I’m one of those who follows the signs that say USE BOTH LANES when backed up and TAKE TURNS AT THE MERGE, which means take turns at the merge to me. I’m pretty sure these signs, their positioning, and the whole setup have been thought out and planned to make the situation as easy as possible for everyone.

Despite those instructions, it seems a majority of people decide to fall in line to the right, maybe assuming they’re eventually going to have to merge anyway. This creates a very long backup in the right lane and a wide open left lane up to the merge, which leads to angry drivers in the right lane who see others cruising by them in the left lane. If a majority of us would actually drive through this the way I think it was intended, I think it would be a lot smoother, similar to the second merge going west from downtown, where traffic spreads out a little and left laners can seamlessly get right without anyone having to slow down at all.

I bring this up after seeing the attempts by some to take up both lanes and actually getting swerved at yesterday for using the wide open left lane. Thank goodness the kids weren’t in the car. Seriously who “fake swerves” their vehicle at another moving vehicle?

Am I wrong here? And if not, how do we get everyone through this as intended? I’ve seen letters to the DNT addressing this and basically saying the same thing I am, obviously without impact.