Bitching Posts

Stolen Bass Guitar

Folks, please be on the lookout for a bass guitar that was taken during a burglary at my home recently. This bass is a viola-type, hollow body (think Paul McCartney, Hofner-type bass) painted green with a small spot on the back that was sanded down to the original wood. It was in a soft gig bag. I don’t have a picture, unfortunately, but really you can’t miss this if you see it. Very high sentimental value. If you happen to see it around please call the Duluth Police Department, or call me at 341-8175.

Anybody else notice a high amount of burglaries in Duluth lately? It seems that a lot of people I tell about this has a similar story of being burglarized recently.

Tony Derrick

Not impressed.

Spock is not impressed with the Cascade Park mural.

Spock is not impressed with the Cascade Park mural. Apparently neither are some of the Hillside residents.

Anybody see this yet? It was certainly a surprising sight while waiting in the drive-through at McDonald’s.

While I was getting coffee at the London Road McDonald’s, I noticed signs popping up from the other side of the fence.

Separation of church and state?

Holy Rosary parking lot during mass

Three blocks away from my home, every Sunday morning, in front of Holy Rosary Cathedral, in spite of a two-thirds empty parking lot kitty corner from the church, Wallace Avenue is clogged with cars parked up on the sidewalk on both sides and in no parking zones.

Questions about Eagle Hill Development

I recently moved out of a property that was managed by Eagle Hill Development. After I moved, I received an invoice that listed what was going to be deducted from my security deposit. However, many of the deductions were for ambiguous things such as “repairs” without any explanation of what the repairs were.

They provided a number that we could call if we had any questions. Unfortunately, after three voicemail messages and six calls over the span of three weeks, I have received no response of any kind whatsoever.

This behavior is very characteristic of what I experienced when I was renting from them. If we had an issue/question of any kind, it took them days and sometimes weeks to respond. My question is: Has anyone else experienced a similar problem with this company?

My patience is wearing very thin at this point and I just want the money they owe me which, as of now, has still not been sent to me (over a month after I moved out). Please help. I am tired of being taken advantage of by these people.

Call off the Global Drug War

“In a message to Congress in 1977, I said the country should decriminalize the possession of less than an ounce of marijuana, with a full program of treatment for addicts. I also cautioned against filling our prisons with young people who were no threat to society, and summarized by saying: ‘Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.'”

– Jimmy Carter, New York Times Op-Ed 2011/06/16

PDD, Infected. Leave immediately!

PDD appears to be infected with malware, which may harm your computer. Please leave immediately and take proper measures to cleanse your computer of our apparent filth.

We’re working on the problem, but it may take awhile for us to set things straight. Don’t check back. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts for further information.

And may God have mercy on our souls.

Ridiculous Amount of Graffiti in Duluth

Is it just me, or is there an insane amount of vandalism in Duluth this spring? It seems like everywhere I go there’s a bunch of random scribbles on everything. I’m even seeing it on the sides of people’s houses! I went for a walk down in the ol’ Canal Park this morning, the first time this year since the thaw, only to be pretty disappointed by what I found.

What is the current state of literature?

I am asking all opinions on the state of literature today. Does it exist? Is there a difference between Literature and what most people read today (if they do happen to read).

It makes me sad that many men see reading as a “women’s” activity. Don’t we all appreciate a good story? Why is any novel that has an “Oprah” symbol on it now seen as weak fluff that is not suitable for men to read?

I hate buying books that have the movie cover on the book. Most of the time I have never even heard of a really good book until it is set to come out as a movie. Is that the only way books actually sell?

I am not sure if I will ever own an e-reader but I know I will never give up my books.

Darn Kids and Their Music

Somebody tell them to turn down their music at Leif Erickson and/or Bayfront Park. I live above Skyline and it’s been driving me insane. And while they’re at it, get off my lawn.

The heartthrob, his bride

The pomp of musicians, and why we care
Jill Lawful
Associated Press

DULUTH–Poor Kristen Jacobs. She’s not just marrying a local singer. She’s marrying us all.

Once upon a time, Duluth citizens gazed upon their rock musicians from afar. Not any more.

Members of the band Sexhawk are now Hollywood-style mega-celebrities — their cellulite, receding hairlines and boozy nights out subject to the same relentless scrutiny as other A-listers.

(Story continued on page 4A with details about what kind of cake will be served at Hot Rod’s wedding. Look below the fold for a chart with important details like what time it will be in Abu Dhabi or Hong Kong when Hot Rod’s parents arrive at Sacred Heart.)

Duluth concert tickets — Buy Local?

I propose that the city of Duluth only issue event licenses under the condition that tickets must be purchasable locally. For example, do I really have to pay Ticketmaster $11.37 in handling fees for a $35 concert ticket at Bayfront Festival Park this summer? A 32 percent markup paid to a California company? I would much rather pay any ticket markup to a local record store or nonprofit. Or, directly to the city for that matter. Anything to keep the money in our community, not exporting it to a corporation in California. Maybe I am missing something?

First Tick Post of the Year – 2011 Edition

I found one by my dog’s ear yesterday. Here we go again!

Past first tick of the year posts:
March 29, 2010
May 8, 2009
June 8, 2008
May 11, 2007
June 6, 2005

Not so sweet

To bank tellers, store clerks and post-office-counter workers:

Don’t ask my children if they want candy. And while you’re at it, and even though it’s far more appropriate, don’t ask me, in front of the children, whether they may have candy.

If it were 1931 and candy were a rare treat I couldn’t afford, it might be cool to get free candy. But candy is cheap, and my children don’t need more.

My children are not deprived of sweets. We have baskets full of Easter candy, stockings full at Christmas, Valentine’s candy, birthday treats, and fat pillowcases at Halloween. I realize that another lollipop isn’t going to tip the scales. But the 13 grams of sugar and Red No. 40 aren’t the only issues; it’s also about the message it sends.

When my 6-year-old daughter slammed the minivan door on her fingers, and I took her to urgent care, I thanked the receptionist who asked me whether she could have a lollipop, and I gladly accepted. But when the children’s only accomplishment is standing in line to watch their mother buy stamps, they don’t need a treat for that. I don’t want them thinking that candy is something you eat all the time. I don’t want them eating treats that, seconds ago, they were fine without, but now that it has fallen in their laps, they suddenly want.

Candy-givers, I know you mean well. But you risk taking well-behaved, happy children and turning them into crabby children on a sugar rush, or discontented children who feel like they’re missing out because mom said no to the free sugar.

The ubiquitous candy bowls and offers of treats are wearing on me. Please, make it stop.

I want more return on my investment.

State Finances: Federal Taxes Collected vs. Federal Funding by State

According to this, Minnesota ranks #50, meaning we get about $0.50 back in federal funding for every dollar in taxes we pay (using 2007-2009 figures).

This does not make me want to take former Senators Dayton and Coleman out for dinner in downtown Duluth.

It also brings this question to my mind:  how much influence do governors have over federal funding?  Are governors involved in the discussion of federal funding in any concrete way?