Deer Posts

Summer Vignettes of Minnesota Wildlife

This montage of trail camera footage from Voyageurs National Park includes a bobcat and her kittens, a black bear, a deer, a coyote and several moose.

The camera was set up by the Voyageurs Wolf Project, which is focused on understanding the summer ecology of wolves in the park. This particular camera has been removed because the area is kind of swampy and there were no wolves traveling on the trail all summer.

Vignettes from the Edge of a Beaver Pond

Researchers at the Voyageurs Wolf Project placed cameras around the edge of a beaver pond this past summer hoping to get good footage of wolves. Instead, they captured a whole lot of otter activity along with a few other critters, including a black bear and three cubs that predictably knocked over a camera.

The Singing Wilderness: Summer to Winter in the Northwoods

This video contains all the wildlife captured by a remote camera from July 21 to Jan. 17 on a rocky island in the middle of a large bog in Voyageurs National Park. The camera is located in the center of the Cranberry Bay Pack territory and the collared wolves in the video are Wolves V083 and V084, the breeding pair of the Cranberry Bay Pack.

The Voyageurs Wolf Project put together the video and titled it after Sigurd Olson’s book The Singing Wilderness, a collection of essays on the different seasons in the northwoods.

Cranberry Bay is on Rainy Lake, about 125 miles north of Duluth.

Selective Focus: Deer

The ubiquitous white-tailed deer — an almost daily sighting for Duluthians who spend time outdoors and away from the downtown; and probably a weekly sighting for anyone who just looks out the window. In this edition of “Selective Focus,” a few Instagram images of local does and bucks.

Minnesota Deer Hunting Opener 2016


Reporting from Kelsy, just west of Cotton. How has everyone done so far? It was crazy warm today and while nice for sitting in a tree it really slowed things down around here for deer movement. But the mosquitoes, wasps and flies were out and that is never a good sign on Nov. 5 in Minnesota. Needless to say no deer for our group yet.

Two Young Fawns in the Backyard Last Night


I just saw these two gems with their mom a week ago, but she is nowhere to be seen now, unfortunately. Possibly hit by a car. These kids seem old enough to fend for themselves, and I hope they do well.

Knife River Fawn

Video by Frank Sander from out the window of the Blau House at the Little Knife Sanctuary in Knife River, with music by Ryan Clover.

Wildlife News

Some updates from Wildwoods Rehabilitation:

There are three window-strike bird victims in residence — a northern flicker, a juvenile cedar waxwing, and a flycatcher. The flicker came in with a spinal bruise, and was unable to use his legs for several days. Fortunately, he’s made a full recovery after rest and anti-swelling meds, and is ready for release. In the meantime, he’s been pigging out on the mealworms, and has plumped out, just in time for migration, when he’ll need the energy!