COVID-19 Posts

Muddy Trails and COVID-19: Duluth Hiking in Spring 2020

Duluth’s Parks and Recreation division has released guidelines advising citizens how to use city parks and trails in a manner that will reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. March and April are also the months when snow is melting and natural-surface trails can be easily damaged.

So, where is it OK to hike and how is it done safely?

Thanks for the Tiramisu

Yesterday, I snagged five pieces of tiramisu from Wussow’s through the drive-through window, in a nearly touchless exchange. A few days before, Zhong Hua made some tasty Chinese in, again, a nearly touchless exchange.

Gaelynn Lea’s Virtual Tour, Show #1

Gaelynn Lea had to cancel her March tour due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Above is the first of two virtual concerts; the second will stream live on March 22 at 2 p.m. The shows are available for free, but you can support the artist by buying a ticket on

Duluth Community Partners COVID-19 Update #2

Duluth Mayor Emily Larson and community partners addressed the media on March 19 to provide updates on operations, opportunities and needs within the Duluth community.

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Duluth Community Partners COVID-19 Update #1

A press conference was held on March 16 at City Hall in response to Governor Walz’s announcement regarding guidance from the state on school closures. The city invited community partners to provide an update on their operations.

Unnecessary Quotation Marks: COVID-19 Edition

Another one for the collection of unnecessary quotation marks in Duluth.

So, are we limited to 2 or “2”?

Please Stay Home

Creator unknown, found on social media

Beyondbliss – “WuHan!! Got You All in Check”

Duluth rapper Beyondbliss parodies Busta Rhymes’ 1996 hit “Woo Hah!! Got You All in Check” in this new video.