Christmas Posts

A Bentleyville Story

Video by UMD student Heidi French, produced as her college writing final.

Jaw Knee Vee – “Holiday Romp!”

One-man trash-blues explosion Jaw Knee Vee blasts out this year’s holiday greeting from PDD. Check out more of his lo-fi hijinks at the Jaw Knee Vee Facebook page and Bandcamp page.

A big thank you to the Homegrown Music Festival for sponsoring this video. Music fans hark this: The Homegrown Winter Fiasco will be staged at three West Duluth venues on Jan. 22. Musicians hark this: Homegrown band registration begins Christmas Day and ends Jan. 31.

Also, thanks to real estate developer Aaron Schweiger for letting us into the former Morgan Park School auditorium to shoot this special performance before a capacity crowd.

For more festive PDD video wholesomeness, check out the PDD Holiday Video Showcase.

Exhibition Drive Holiday Sound & Light Show

The Kern family’s holiday sound and light show at 2725 Exhibition Drive in Duluth runs nightly from 5 to 10 p.m. through Dec. 31. Video by Steven Gold.

College of St. Scholastica 2015 Christmas Video

Sledding, sweets and a warm fire. All the good stuff.

Bentleyville Awakens and Reflects

Short time-lapse videos by Dennis O’Hara.

Ideas for Charity Giving for the Holidays

This year for Christmas my family decided to skip the gift giving and donate to local charities. I’m looking for ideas — whether it’s “adopting” a family for Christmas, donating winter clothes, food shelves, etc. I know there is a lot out there in the Twin Ports I could donate to, but thought I would ask PDDers for ideas that maybe I never thought of. Thanks for your help!

Happy Holidays from Rubber Chicken and Perfect Duluth Day

Here’s a little ditty from this year’s Rubber Chicken Theater holiday comedy revue — How the Grinch Shut Down Christmas, or, I Saw Rudolph Twerking Santa Claus — featuring Greg J. Anderson, Sharon Dixon Obst and Anders Hultstrom.

Thanks to Dean Vogtman at Happy Tree Productions for the use of his studio, and the fine folks at Beaner’s Central who had to shimmy around our cameras to get across the room.

All outdoor scenes were actually shot outdoors.

Could Duluth lose Christmas City status?

This story is four days old, but I just heard about it and it’s pretty much the biggest controversy in the history of Duluth, so it needs some space on PDD.

Apparently the commentators of the Christmas City of the North Parade telecast — Michelle Lee, Kevin Jacobsen and Barbara Reyelts — did their announcing in front of a green screen inside the Northland’s NewsCenter studio. And they still wore jackets.

This revelation, of course, has me fearing that Santa Claus might strip Duluth of its Christmas City of the North status and perhaps bestow it on Superior or Thunder Bay.

Jimi Cooper’s Short Attention Span X-mas Medley, Fractal style

Where should I get my Christmas tree?

Does anyone know of a good place where you can chop down your own tree?

Merv Griffin “Christmas City” B-Side

Some people may not know that in addition to the Merv Griffin Duluth-themed classic “Christmas City,” which was written for the Christmas City of the North Parade, there is also a B-side to the 45 RPM single that was released back in 1962. It’s called “The Song of the Christmas City.”

Also a song written with Duluth in mind (and worked into the song lyrics), this one is more of a slow jam compared to Christmas City’s more upbeat jingle-bell jive. The song features addition vocals by one Maureen Reynolds who I couldn’t find any information on. Apparently she’s off the grid.

You can download good vinyl rips of both tunes to add to your own Christmas playlist right here. Enjoy!

Christmas City of the North Parade Stream

Hi folks. Especially the folks who are far away Duluthians, this could be good news for you.

I just got word in this nice little video from Kevin Jacobsen and LeAnn Wallace that the Christmas City of the North Parade will be streaming live at the Northland’s Newscenter website.

The twitter hashtag is #christmascityparade

50 years of being “nice-icle”

Merv Griffin recorded this precious little ditty in 1962. Happy Christmas City of the North Parade everyone!

Duluth Christmas Party Ideas

I’m looking for some ideas for our company Christmas party. I’d like a place with a kitchen (I have a friend who will be catering for us) and enough room for a sit-down dinner for about 45 people. Any suggestions?

Bentleyville looks good in black and white!

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

This winter, I went out with my in-laws to Bentleyville, which I had never had the pleasure of enjoying. Being a videographer, I decided to shoot something while we were there. Enjoy!