business Posts

Local Sustainability Film Premiere

Join Sustainable Twin Ports this Thursday, July 28, for the premiere screening of The Early Adopter Project, a documentary by Chani Becker.

5pm: A premiere party hosted by Sustainable Twin Ports will kick off the evening at the Zeitgeist Arts Cafe, followed by 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm screenings of the film at Zinema 2 theaters.

Free Rent for a Year in Duluth: Go Downtown, Grow Downtown

Go Downtown. Grow Downtown

The Greater Downtown Duluth Council and a bunch of other organizations are offering free rent for a year plus free advertising, business planning and technical support for two businesses in Downtown Duluth. Click the picture for contest details.

One of my obsessive Duluth-oriented twitter feeds led me to this on the Star Tribune website. I couldn’t find mention of it in the online Duluth News Tribune, but they are a sponsor so I’m sure it will get in there sometime, (unless maybe they’re hoping to bring in outside ideas first).

Free rent for a year? And who said this town wasn’t business friendly. I’m all for revitalization in Downtown Duluth. I hope it works.

The Fractals. Beer. Pizza. Prizes. Tomorrow.


Weather doesn’t look great, but it’s sure to be better than last year’s miserable conditions — and that was a blast.