“Picture Duluth” Book Launch
Please join us this coming Friday to celebrate Duluth Photographer Dennis O’Hara and the release of his first book, Picture Duluth: Photographs of the Zenith City.
Day: Friday, May 14
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Place: Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center (Canal Park)
Cause: Ten percent of the sales of “Picture Duluth” will go to support the LSMVC.*
ETC: Author presentation starts at 7:30; refreshments served.
To check out the book, including a online condensed eBook version, click here.
*Special prices on books, and everyone who buys a book or donates just $5 to the LSMVC will receive as our thanks either one of four vintage postcard reproduction art prints or a copy of Greetings from the Arrowhead: the North Shore & Canoe Country.