Al Franken Posts

Video: Sen. Al Franken announces resignation

The Trouble with Al Franken

I’m sad about Al Franken. I’ve been reading some heartfelt responses to the situation, varying in timbre from sad and resolute to forgiving and freshly devoted to the new and improved Al Franken, the one who will likely emerge from a self-imposed ethics investigation much the way he entered it: somewhat marred, but essentially a good man in the eyes of those who always thought he was a good man, and a liberal blowhard to those who always thought he was a liberal blowhard. His reputation in the court of public opinion is bent, but not really broken. He can still look most of America in the eye. Compared to Louis C.K. and the rest of them — Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore — those roiling pots of sexual dysfunction and predation, Franken is a tepid pool.

I’ll be honest — I was sadder and more surprised by the allegations against the men in my own camp: the liberals and artists, the progressive advocates who had been using their bully pulpits and mordant wits to shame and denounce the current administration and all of its gorked trappings as archaic and hateful, relics of a time before we knew that all people are people, and that other religions are equally inexplicable and sacred to the people who they are inexplicable and sacred to. So shame on me for believing that my men would be different.

Video Archive: Al Franken’s first run for U.S. Senate

Al_Franken,_official_portrait,_114th_CongressTen years ago today, Feb. 13, 2007, Al Franken published the above video announcing his candidacy for U.S. Senate representing Minnesota.

He won the DFL nomination with 65 percent of the vote, but in November 2008 appeared to have lost the the General Election by 215 votes to Republican Norm Coleman. On Jan. 5, 2009, the Minnesota State Canvassing Board certified the recounted vote totals, with Franken winning by 225 votes. Subsequent challenges prevented him from taking his senate seat until July 7, 2009.

Franken was reelected in 2014, defeating Republican Mike McFadden with 54 percent of the vote. His second term ends Jan. 3, 2021.

Senator Al Franken roasts Duluth Mayor Don Ness

Duluth Mayor Don Ness held his “Final Mayoral Address and Concert Celebration” at the DECC’s Symphony Hall on Dec. 16. Senator Al Franken was not able to attend, but sent this video in order to, “once and for all tell Don what I really think about him.”

Google features Angela’s Bella Flora

Google has been increasingly active in Minnesota lately. It joined the Minnesota High Tech Association, has been hiring, and held a series of workshops in St. Paul.

I’m tickled … Angela’s Bella Flora has been featured as part of Google’s Minnesota Get Online initiative.

Author Jay Weiner to speak tonight at The Bookstore at Fitgers

Author Jay Weiner will be in Duluth tonight for a talk and book signing for his new book This Is Not Florida: How Al Franken Won the Minnesota Senate Recount.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
5:00-8:00 pm
The Bookstore at Fitger’s
600 E. Superior St.
Duluth, MN 55802

Three University of Minnesota Press book-signing events in Duluth

Thursday, Oct. 14, 7pm, Clyde Iron Works
Michael Nordskog and Aaron W. Hautala
The Opposite of Cold: The Northwoods Finnish Sauna Tradition

Thursday, Oct. 21, 7pm, Clyde Iron Works
Peter Smith
A Porch Sofa Almanac

Thursday, Oct. 28, 5-8pm
Jay Weiner
This Is Not Florida: How Al Franken Won the Minnesota Senate Recount

Sen Al Franken Resurrects “Duluth Answer Man” to Support Twin Ports Google Fiber

MARCH 10, 2010 – Minnesota Sen. Al Franken has joined The Google Twin Ports Fiber Initiative by resurrecting his Duluth Answer Man clips.

Duluth’s campaign combines a fun and creative grassroots campaign with a very serious effort to build a strong business case for bringing Google Fiber to the Twin Ports.

The Duluth Answer Man campaign was produced in the mid 80s by the Duluth Convention and Visitors Bureau, known today as Visit Duluth. The series ran in the Twin Cites market as the summer tourism campaign for Duluth.

Finally (part two)


Soon-to-be (?) U.S. Senator Al Franken, D-Minn.