4 Track Films Posts

Video Archive: God Rocked Trailer from 2008

Ten years ago today — April 4, 2008 — the trailer was released for the Duluth-made mockumentary … and on the 7th Day, God Rocked.

The teaser text reads:

“Who will you root for in this laugh-out-loud rockumentary about a Christian Battle of the Bands? Wrathful Old Testament hip-hoppers the Sons of Abraham or born-again hard-rockers Savior? Lapsed Catholic Angie Hynes, who’s gone from punk to country in search of success, or the folksy love-fest of harmony-laden trio Glory Authority?

A recording contract awaits the winner. Who that will be, only God (and perhaps the promoter) knows …”

Fred Tyson – “Free Man”

Sometimes larger creative projects beget smaller ones. Here is one such instance. Submitted for your viewing pleasure, a music video for Fred Tyson’s “Free Man,” captured on a cross-country road trip while shooting for the feature film Half Super. What’s captured in the tag at the end can only be explained as the late-night result of three guys punch-drunk from a dozen days together in a small car. Enjoy.

Oh, and Fred has no idea about this. So happy birthday, Fred! What?? It’s not Fred’s birthday you say? Nonsense, every day is your birthday when you’re Fred Tyson!

Half Super – teaser trailer

In honor of Labor Day, 4 Track Films would like to share with you its three-year labor of love — the teaser trailer for the new film Half Super. It’s a tale of love, loss and superheroes. It stars Abraham Curran and Tierney Michon and was written and directed by yours truly, Jason Page.

This is just the first taste. Each month for the next four months we will be releasing additional videos as we build to our February 2015 premiere. Stay tuned for more, and please help us raise awareness by passing on the link. Cheers!

The Life of Riley – Trailer!

Sneak Preview
Monday, June 13
7:15 p.m.

$10 suggested donation – RSVP on the FaceBook Event Page or by emailing [email protected]

Interview with World-Class A-hole

WMW Still 1

Check out the latest interview with White Man’s World writer/director Jason Page.

New 4 Track Films Production

We’re going into production on a new 4 Track Film. This one is entitled The Life of Riley and is a romantic comedy. We’re shooting in and around Duluth and a little up the North Shore.

GOD ROCKED needs you!!

God Rocked poster

…and on the 7th day, God Rocked is competing online in the Independent Features Film Festival.

Top vote-getters will be shown in Tribeca in July. Click here to vote for GOD ROCKED

You can watch God Rocked and other films in their entirety FOR FREE on this site! Check it out!



White Man’s World DVD Release Party

wmw-poster-mesquite1Feb. 19
Red Star Lounge

DVDs available for $20 (also get your copy of God Rocked & Newton’s Disease!)

Free Screening of GOD ROCKED at CSS


God Rocked DVD

God Rocked DVD

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
7pm – Science Auditorium, College of St. Scholastica
FREE to CSS Students & Faculty (with ID)
Everyone else $5
Hope to see you there!