What happens when they teach photoshop in junior high.

Duluth’s Rear Ends

You said it, not me.

Whenever I’m out on the roads, I always seem to find myself behind people who are expressing themselves. If I’m at a stoplight, or in the passenger seat, or on foot, I always try to take a photo. After the jump are some of the best shots I’ve taken of this sort.

[Potentially NSFW due to language! Consider yourself warned.]

Why I still love the DNT

From today’s Swap Shop:
SWAP: My knowledge and advice for oral Yiddish lessons. Kurt 218-xxx-xxxx Posted: 02/05/2009

SWAP: Briggs & Stratton push lawn mower. Will trade for 20 lbs of ham. 218-xxx-xxxx. Posted: 02/03/2009

Forum on “The Troubled History of Afghanistan”

Sunday, Feb. 8 @ 7pm
UMD Kirby Student Center Room 333

You’re invited a forum on the troubled history of Afghanistan. With both the Democrats and Republicans talking about the need to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and the corporate media going right along with them calling it the “good war” – it’s crucial for activists to understand the history and dynamics of this land, and why we need to oppose this war.

Speaking will be Adam Ritscher. If you are unable to attend, but interested in the topic, email him at [email protected] for a copy of the speech.

Lake Superior Socialist Action
PO Box 16853, Duluth MN 55816
(715) 394-6660

Creating a Gravatar

By now you may have noticed PDD’s Gravatars, the little personalized images that appear next to each of the comments. Some people already have personalized Gravatars, but right now your comments probably display our default image. Want a personalized Gravatar of your own? It’s easy.

How do I get my own Gravatar?

Click here to visit gravatar.com and upload your own image. You will have to sign up for a free account at that site. All you need is an image and an email address.

When you return to PDD, simply use the same email address you used at gravatar.com. Your images should automatically appear whenever you make comments on this or any other site that enables Gravatars.

Should you need this information in the future, we’ve created a page in the help section.

Need a Polka Band @ Reasonable Price

A friend of mine has reserved the community shelter on Park Point for early Aug. for a family reunion. He’s got a lot of older rural Minnesota relatives who have fond memories of spending their honeymoons in Duluth (yes, this is what Garrison Keilor did a skit about a few years ago–going to Duluth becoming a codeword for doing the goatdance).

Anyway–this friend would like to help his entire family to have a great time by hiring a polka band (or at least a polka accordianist) to play for the gathering. He’s not employed locally, so doesn’t have a lot of money to spend.

Anybody got tips on a likely band or individual who could play two hours of good polka tunes to tug at some nostalgic heart strings?


Where can I get kerosene?

I just acquired a nifty little kerosene heater to use when working out in the garage, or – maybe starting this week – to use when the power goes out at my house.

But, I’m not sure where the best place is to get kerosene to fuel the thing.

Hardware stores have kerosene in little metal jugs, but the price is almost $10 a gallon. It has to be available for cheaper than that, right?

The only gas station listed under “kerosene” in the phone book said they don’t carry it anymore.

So, does anyone know where I can get kerosene in Duluth? (Time is running out before the freezing rain starts)

When the moon hits your eye…

Valentine's Day @ Pizza Luce

Valentine's Day @ Pizza Luce

Vampire Hands

The Tisdales

The Undesirables



Who are We, Where are We, Why are We

Who are We, Where are We, Why are We

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth is this?

Heart to Heart: A Celebration of Love

Heart to Heart is a 3-day event for married couples to embrace intimacy and promote growth in their relationship.

Couples Yoga – February 28th 10:00 – 11:30 am
Wine Tasting and presentation on “Heart Focused Intimacy” – March 6th 6:30 pm
Formal Dance – March 7th 7:30 pm
$120 per couple (includes all events)
The perfect gift! Gift certificates available

Call Katrina at 218-728-2246 for registration or more information

Open letter to the DNT

Dear Duluth News Tribune,

Any time I find a stray newspaper at a coffee shop, or waiting room, my initial course of action is to go straight to The Family Circus so that I may gawk at the daily track-wreck of comedy it provides. The philosophical beating I take by trying to riddle out just what is it that Bil & Jeffy Keane think I should be laughing at has somehow become a masochist treat for my brain as the years go by.

In recent months though, this pleasure seems to be unhinged by the horrible way your layout editors treat this sacred circle. Attached is the comic as it appears from the syndication source, immediately followed by the beaten and bloodied corpse that gets spat onto your printed comics page.

The DNT F's it up again.

The Family Oval shall not suffice. I’m sure Bil & Jeffy Keane would be aghast by the treatment you give their comic. Without a doubt, the Keane’s go to great lengths to make sure that Billy, Dolly, and little PJ’s heads perfectly resemble testicles in each and every one of their daily discs of unfunny. To unprofessionally scale them in the way that you repeatably do, should be taken as nothing less then an open handed slap to the face of both Bil & Jeffy Keane as you disgrace their little works of art.

Please, give the editor back his shift key so he can resize his images while constraining proportions. It will make us all happier at the end of the day.

K. Praslowicz


Did I miss the diaramarama? Did I spell that right? Should I save my shoe box? I could be wrong of course, but I thought it was around this time of year. I’m probably way off, but will save my shoe box anyway.

Disco, funk & soul music at The Redstar


DJ Nola tonight at the Redstar club playing rare disco, funk & soul grooves.

No Cover

Come see LOW before the Turtles show

“The Drive: A Benefit for the Pelkey Family”

Live Music & Silent Auction Fundraiser

$5.00 Suggested Donation
5-11 p.m. at Teatro Zuccone
Friday, February 6, 2009

Bands include(from start to finish):

Bill & Kate Isles
Charlie Parr
Lake Superior Cacophonic Choir
The Alrights
Cars and Trucks

If you can’t make the event, give to :

The U.S. Bank Crystal Pelkey-Rodeski Family Donation Fund

You can donate by:
1) Going to ANY US Bank and make a donation; just tell them it is for the Crystal Pelkey-Rodeski Family Donation Fund.
2) Or mail a check to US Bank at the below address:
US Bank – Duluth Main Office
Crystal Pelkey-Rodeski Family Donation Fund
130 West Superior Street
Duluth, MN 55802