Nightlife Suggestions Downtown Minneapolis


I am going to a show at the State Theater on Friday March 13. The show will be done around 10-10:30 pm, I would guess. We would want to head out afterwards for a drink or two. I haven’t been downtown in years, so I’m completely out of the loop. Our group are all in our mid-30’s. So we’re not really looking for the “hot” dance club where all the idiot 21-25 year olds hang out. We’d probably like to stay in the general vicinity of Target Center area since that’s where the Theater and our hotel is located. Live music is cool, but not a deal breaker. Anyone have any suggestions?

Patrick McKinnon at Carmody Irish Pub

RIAA\Record Companies Back in Duluth

Slashdot has a write up on some new, good news:

I wasn’t really drunk, I was just pretending…


Here is the lineup for the rest of my residency at the 400 Bar, you will see a several Duluth acts on here. See you there!

Saver the Night @ the Score Bar with Soundwaves


See ‘Moon’ and support your community.

n7839079454_341597_35373Revival performances of last years critically aclaimed “A Moon For The Misbegotten” by Eugene O’Neill to benefit The Duluth Bethel Port Rehabilitation Center for Men.
Starring Jim Neumann, Carolyn LePine, Zachary Stofer, Nathan St. Germain and Cody Ryder
Directed by Molly O’Neill
Six performances March 12-14 March 19-21 7:30 pm

Alan Zeppa and the Zeppa Foundation donated Teatro Zuccone for this event.

High-speed train from Duluth to Twin Cities

The Federal Railroad Administration awarded $1.1 million for an environmental study into the Northern Lights Express high-speed rail line from Duluth to Minneapolis, according to an announcement today from U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar.

Another $1.1 million will be covered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Engineering work for the rail line is scheduled to be done next year, with the train running in 2012.

Oberstar believes the 150-mile route will have minimal environmental impact because it will run along existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail lines.

“I expect this study to demonstrate a positive impact on the environment,” Oberstar said in a news release. “It will take cars off the road, and reduce air pollution and fuel consumption.”

See the full story: Northern Lights Express train receives $1 million for study


Kermit singing

Sing! A Women’s Chorus
Mags David, Director
Wednesday, March 4
Carmody Irish Pub

Sing! is a community chorus. We meet through Duluth Public Schools Community Education. Songs are learned through oral tradition. Repertoire includes rounds, traditional music from the United States, Europe, and West Africa, and occasional originals from the director. Sing! provides a unique choral music experience, join us for a free concert.

Aaron McLeod’s Senior Art Exhibition at the Tweed this Week

You're invited to Aaron McLeods Senior Art Exhibition

You're invited to Aaron McLeod's Senior Art Exhibition to be held at the Tweed Museum of Art this week.

Fellow citizens, it is time for Aaron’s senior exhibition. The amount of preparation and development he has put in is staggering and this promises to be one of the best examples of student work to come out of a UMD program.

The exhibition runs March 3rd-8th. Aaron invites you to attend the opening on Tuesday, March 3rd from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Tweed Museum of Art.

Don’t miss out, or you’ll miss out. So there.

Please be aware that some of the work will be rather challenging and although there are no uncensored explicit images, the show covers a wide range of imagery, subjects, and media.


Adolf Hitler was a heavy smoker in his early life-he used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes daily-but gave up the habit, concluding that it was a waste of money.In later years, Hitler viewed smoking as “decadent” and “the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man, vengeance for having been given hard liquor”, lamenting that “so many excellent men have been lost to tobacco poisoning”. He was unhappy because both Eva Braun and Martin Bormann were smokers and was concerned over Hermann Göring’s continued smoking in public places. He was angered when a statue portraying a cigar-smoking Göring was commissioned. Hitler is often considered to be the first national leader to advocate nonsmoking.

Wikipedia: Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany

Make Day at the Science Museum

Ads for Amazon

Cleverly disguised as an ad for a fantastic book by an amazingly talented artist and writer, Chris Monroe.  I work hard to promote the many excellent books I come across – a great number of them from within this region:  blogging (at least semi-regularly), writing a weekly newsletter and talking to people through facebook and twitter and, most rewardingly, at the store – talking about books and authors that I love and that people have shared with me.  It’s hard to then see a book that I’ve worked to introduce people to being used as a way to drive money to amazon.

I’m not saying you need to buy it at the store where I work.  Or buy it at Fitgers.  Or buy it up at the Mall.  Or even that it’s the end of the world to buy it from amazon.  But I do want to confront this notion that amazon is either neutral or the only game in town (which it most decidedly is not since it has nothing to do with our town whatsoever) when it comes to links about media, especially books. IndieBound lets you search all books in print and then, after you’ve learned a bit more about them, lets you find a locally owned, independent store of your choice.  You can search for varieties of local businesses across the US. You can add you favorite local businesses.  Authors can affiliate themselves with IndieBound and receive a portion of the sale (not being an author, I have to rely on rumor that the terms are more generous than amazon).

I’m not advocating amazon abstinence, but really try to measure your options more carefully. Get excited about local businesses. Get excited for local events. Celebrate our musicians, writers, actors, publishers, artists, etc. who really make this area so wonderful.

White Wolf


People Whose Houses Were Bombed Have Told Him They Don’t Remember Hearing Anything


The Rocky Mountain News ceased publication today. 55 days shy of its 150th birthday. The paper’s staff were informed yesterday. With the Duluth News Tribune contributing significantly to Forum Communication’s annual losses, and more layoffs looming, the RMN decision makes for an even more stunning reality.


DTV: Now with 25 percent more downtime

Don’t mess with my Seinfeld man.