Where is it?

Well I guess that just about covers it


Coyote @ Thirsty Pagan 3/7/9

coyote napkin wall advert

It says: Coyote @ Thirsty Pagan, Sat. March 7th, 1opm


Proceeded by Marc Gartman
Followed by Teague Alexy

1623 Broadway, Superior

Smoke free.

Fashion Foward


Tickets are $20 in advance – $25 at the door

“Toast the Arts ~ Taste the Wine”

“Toast the Arts ~ Taste the Wine”

Wine Tasting, Silent and Live Auction Event Benefiting  CHOICE, unlimited’s ARTS Program


Northland Newscenter’s Cheif Meteorlogist George Kessler will be the Master of Ceremonies!

KeyPort Liquor is providing the wine and expertise!

It’s at the fancy Northland Country Club and hors d’oeuvres will be served!

Bid on fabulous things in the silent and live auction!

And all proceeds benefit CHOICE, unlimited’s ARTS Program!

WHAT: “Toast the Arts ~ Taste the Wine”

WHERE: Northland Country Club

WHEN:   March 12, 2009

                 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m.

 COST:    $25.00 per ticket


Tickets can be purchased at KeyPort Liquor, Dubh Linn Irish Pub, CHOICE, unlimited, or at the event.

Call 218-724-5869 or visit www.choiceunlimited.org for further information.

About CHOICE, unlimited: CHOICE, unlimited is a non-profit organization supporting individuals with disabilities in their pursuit of employment and community inclusion.

About the ARTS Program: CHOICE, unlimited’s ARTS program provides professional instruction in visual arts, dance, and acting.  BOLD-choice Theatre Company, part of the ARTS program, creates and tours disability awareness productions providing unique performances for community and student audiences.  

The Ides of March


Duluth on Al Jazeera

mole people in duluth?

mole people in duluth?

“The Local” Podcast


Welcome to “The Local” podcast. Each week I will pump out a segment of my KUMD show. It includes a couple songs that I get permission to use, the calendar and interviews. The show is still evolving so any comments/criticism you want to send my way feel free (hello craig…)

I have submitted the show to iTunes and am waiting on approval but you can paste the feed in right now and it should work. Thanks.

Subscribe in a reader

You can also check out my blog to get playlists.

Sorry for PDD down time!

pulling-out-hairWe are having some issues with our hosting provider and we are working on the issues.  We may be moving to a new provider in the near future to insure more stability, better performance and hopefully leave me with a little hair.  Thanks 🙂

Earth Angel




Cars & Trucks goin’ all “Big Balls” all over your hipster asses


Cars & Trucks will be joining forces with jesse hoheisel and jody kujawa to bring you a night’s worth of bon scott-era AC/DC on the final night of the Ides of March festival.

Saturday, Mar. 14t
10 p.m.
All ages
Pizza Luce

We’ve been told Hot Rod and crew will be playing Michael Bolton’s “Time, Love and Tenderness” from beginning to end as well. The night should be a scorcher.

Nightlife Suggestions Downtown Minneapolis


I am going to a show at the State Theater on Friday March 13. The show will be done around 10-10:30 pm, I would guess. We would want to head out afterwards for a drink or two. I haven’t been downtown in years, so I’m completely out of the loop. Our group are all in our mid-30’s. So we’re not really looking for the “hot” dance club where all the idiot 21-25 year olds hang out. We’d probably like to stay in the general vicinity of Target Center area since that’s where the Theater and our hotel is located. Live music is cool, but not a deal breaker. Anyone have any suggestions?

Patrick McKinnon at Carmody Irish Pub

RIAA\Record Companies Back in Duluth

Slashdot has a write up on some new, good news: