Listen to Final Edition this Friday, March 13 to hear a discussion with Mike Simonson about the current state of blogging and journalism.

Barrett Chase of Perfect Duluth Day (that’s me!)
Beth Jett of Fox 21 (their website launched today)
Aaron Brown of Minnesota Brown (who also teaches journalism at Hibbing Community College)

KUWS 91.3 FM
Friday, March 13

limited edition c&t shirts at saturday’s show

just wanted to let everyone know we’ll have a limited edition (20 or so) cars & trucks t-shirt available at the ides of march show on saturday.

we should have s-xl with various colors available.

$10 gets you one of these sweet fuckin’ masterpieces.

half of all the proceeds are being donated to animal allies.

we’ll also have some handy dandy silkscreened posters as well. those will be free, but we’d be more than happy to take donations if you’re interested in helping some animals.

‘Moon’ opens tonight!

Come support theater and your community! We need to fill the seats….misforgotten2

“The Local” Podcast

I won’t be making a habit of promoting my Podcast but I was accepted in the iTunes store. The link is below. Subscribe and enjoy. You can also subscribe to my podcast and many others at the KUMD website.


Ides of March


Renegade Comedy Night


Looking for some cheap laughs this Friday night? Come to PeasantWorks Porch above Hell’s Kitchen in Canal Park for an evening of improv comedy for only $5!

The area’s finest improv comedians provide high-caliber hilarity right off the top of their heads based on suggestions by you.

The show’s at 8pm; we can’t wait to see you there!

What are you doing for dinner?

Love Wins Sticker from Hillside Community Church

Love Feast Wednesday at Hillside Community Church 6-8 pm

Good food, good music, good company.  No expectations, no pressure, no judgment, only love.  I wouldn’t be telling you about it if I wasn’t planning on going myself.  We meet in the Historic Shrine Auditorium across from the friendly Cozy Bar and the CJM memorial.  Kids and big appetites welcome.  Oh … and if you play your cards right you might even be able to get one of these snazzy bumper stickers.  See you there.

Love, JP

03.17 @ Quinlan’s


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In the shower this morning I was thinking about how the digital lifestyle is taking over my old analog self. I rarely play LP’s or CD’s anymore, Pandora and Podcasts are replacing radio, I read books on my iPhone, get recipes online and communicate with Facebook and Twitter. Many of these tools replace things I used to spend money on which is good for me but I wonder where this will all lead? Papers are going under, bands can’t sell nearly as many CD’s and I’m sure Publishers will see a loss in sales of books now that they are going digital.

I’m not sure what my point is but I am curious how others have adapted/adopted to the digital lifestyle. Is digital good for the human race?

Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt


While running errands today I came across this lovely piece of yard art. I’m posting it as a challenge, because I know you can do better. And because a piddly blizzard like today’s is no excuse to stay inside.

Announcing the PDD Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt

You have until 10 p.m. next Thursday, March 19, to post the most awesome yard art photo on this Web site.

Weather Channel in Duluth

Weather Channel in Duluth Today

Weather Channel in Duluth Today

I got yer shovel-ready project right here



Ahhh spring. The time dog-owners dread. The snow melts, revealing the bounty of gifts Barfy has left for you in the backyard all winter long.

I found something that might be helpful for other dog people.


If you have one of these clamshell-type post hole diggers, it works quite well for extracting the poo from the snow and ice. And it’s better to get it now while it’s semi-frozen than in a few weeks when it’s almost liquid.

At that point, I recommend a pair of industrial-strength, chemical grade rubber gloves. Then you can just dig right in there and get ‘er done.

Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak, Tangier 57 Play for the Lake

Local bands Trampled By Turtles, Bended Oak and Tangier 57 will play at the Rex on Friday, March 13 in a “Benefit for the Lake.” Proceeds from the concert will support Duluth’s McCabe Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America in its effort to protect Lake Superior from invasive species.


The Rex Bar, Early Bird Drink Specials 8-10 p.m.

Donation: $8 Before 9 p.m., $10 after

Tangier 57: 8 p.m.

Bended Oak: 10 p.m.

Trampled By Turtles: Midnight

Duluth’s Izaak Walton League is taking on the federal government (National Coast Guard and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) to prompt federal protection of our shared resource (visit www.duluthikes.org for more information about this effort). Minnesota and Wisconsin, have already begun taking steps to clean up ballast water, but varying regulations from state to state are likely to create headaches and confusion among the shipping industry. The current effort calls for a unified solution for this national problem. Come listen to some good music and help protect our Lake.

2009 YWCA/YSC Mother’s Day Walk/Run

25th Anniversary of the Mother\’s Day Walk/Run

To register for the 2009 Mother’s Day Walk/Run, visit our website at http://ywcaduluth.org

MN Fathers Forever 3.21.09

MN Fathers Forever
Connecting fathers and children.
Saturday, March 21st
at 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College
2101 – 14th Street, Cloquet, MN

Oscar Reed Former Vikings "Purple People Eater"
Keynote speaker former Vikings great Oscar Reed plus a meet and greet with 2008 NCAA Div 2 champs UMD Bulldogs.
Possible Drivers License reinstatement and/or waiver of a portion of past due child support
Movie “Smoke Signals” –
Child support modification assistance
Legal information and assistance
Lunch available
Informational booths

Limited transportation provided by AEOA to those living in
the Duluth area – Call Boyz II Dadz to coordinate (218) 391-8330

Free child care available during event – Call: 1-800-662-5711 ext. 262

Hope to see you there,

Love JP