14th Annual Clean & Green Duluth Day

Let’s get out there Duluth!


Summit Horizon Red

We’ll have a sneak preview of Minnesota’s newest beer, Summit Horizon Red, at Hell’s Kitchen around five tonight. This isn’t a special event or anything, just a heads up for the beer geeks out there.

Punk show at HCIS this Tuesday!

HCIS Punk Show-4/21/09
yet another show put on by harbor city’s own Michigan Street Productions team;
featuring something for everyone of all ages
6 PM
.Arrowhead stage.HCIS.4th Floor.
Check it Out!

Chem-Trails over Duluth. Show the kids!

Large chemtrail over Duluth threatening to obliterate the sun. Picture taken from 4th Street 04.16.09.

Here we have a small jet crossing back and forth over the central hillside/downtown area. The trails behind this jet are not to be mistaken as “Con-trails”!

Con-trails in warm weather will dissipate immediately if they are even visible at all.  Who knows, maybe it is just white flour to excite the chattering class … bring out the weirdos, know what I mean. Perhaps entertainment or to mess up our eyes as we repeatedly look toward the sun. Do you suppose they are disabling our pineal glands, disrupting our inherent clairvoyant abilities? Will I wake up tomorrow with an arm growing out of my ass? I hope not, but in a strange way, I do. View an essay.

Help a UMDuluth student be less broke

Hey a friend of mine/coworker at UMD is competing in a beauty contest of sorts that could win her 5 grand.  She’s a hard working kid that went to school here in Duluth.  It’d be great if you could go and vote for Keely!!!   We all know how five grand could help a poor college student.


Neil LaBute’s (and Julie Ahasay’s) “Fat Pig” opens tonight

The Play Ground hosts this tender, funny and biting look at love by one of America’s hottest playwrights.

directed by Julie Ahasay
Jason Page
Allison Hartl
Zachary Stofer
Priscilla Manisto

Dates have changed!!!!!!!!!

Performances are now:
April 16, 17, 18, 23, 25
May 2
7:30 p.m.

Tickets: $10 at the door or online www.duluthplayground.org

Rubber Chicken Radio Hour, Live at The Thirsty Pagan

The next live broadcast of The Rubber Chicken Radio Hour will be Wednesday, April 29, from 7-8pm at The Thirsty Pagan in Superior, Wisconsin. The show will be broadcast live on KUWS 91.3FM, but being in the studio audience to see how it all comes together is the most fun, and admission is FREE…but you really should buy a pizza and a beer or two.

The Celebrity Guest for this show is Super Dave Anderson from the Northland’s News Center. Musical guest is Jim Madison, guitarist/singer/improvisational musician extraordinaire.

Some of the sketches in this edition of The Rubber Chicken Radio Hour include a behind-the-scenes peek at why Mark Winson decided to leave Mayor Don Ness after only two months, and how Dennis Anderson decides to spice up his newscasts after hearing about the success Pat Kelly had with The Full Monty at the Duluth Playhouse (The Full Denny, anyone?)

Spring Sustainability Fair

Energy, Campus, and Communitygood-tree

April 21 at the UMD Kirby Student Center

10 am-4 pm

Call: 722-SAVE for bus schedules

Informational booths, demonstrations and panel discussions on many topics, with a focus on energy.

Call 722-SAVE for Bus Schedules.

*Panels and Presenters* (Kirby Lounge)
11:00 a.m. Wind Power! Community wind projects in NE Minnesota, and results from wind resource research on the UMD campus: Mike Mageau, UMD Geography and Center for Sustainable Community Development

12:00 p.m. Campus Energy Research – Malosky Solar Array: Andrew Bentley, Brandon Eberle, and Scott Norr, UMD Electrical and Computer Engineering

12:30 p.m. Campus Energy Research – Multiple-Energy Source Integration: Jeron Smith, Tom Soldner, Drew Jensen, David Buszmann, and Paul Weber, UMD Electrical and Computer Engineering

1:00 p.m. Energy: Choices, Issues, and UMD’s Role: Tom Ferguson, 3M McKnight Professor, UMD Elect & Comp Engr

2:00 p.m. Go lean before going green: The role of energy conservation and why it should always come first: Dean Talbott, Residential Program Specialist, Minnesota Power

3:00 p.m. Twin Ports Campus Sustainability Panel: How are Twin Ports universities and colleges addressing sustainability? (UMD, CSS, LSC, UWS)

4:00 p.m. Hartley Nature Center’s Electron-Search for Smart Energy (Near UMD Bus Stop)

*Booths and Presentations*

David Syring’s Anthropology Seminar Class Sustainability Projects
NE Minnesota CERTs
Conservation Technologies
UMD Office of Sustainability
UMD Office of Civic Engagement
True North AmeriCorps
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Minnesota Power
Jes Durfee Glass Blowing
Outdoor EdVentures
Duluth Community Supported Herbalism
Sustainable Twin Ports
UMD Sustainability Coalition
Cut Loose Creations


“Flora the Red Menace” opens at Harbor City tonight

Come see what Emily Parr’s gang of Thespians have been up to: this Kander and Ebb musical served as Liza Minelli’s Broadway debut, and concerns the war between love and politics. Great songs like “Not Every Day of the Week” and “Express Yourself,” sung by the substantial musical talent at Harbor City School, dress up a ’30s-era story of union organizers, Party members, and romance

April 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, at 7 PM; April 26 at 2 PM.

From the Photo Archive | 1979


Thirty years ago, Bud James was one of the custodians at Laura MacArthur Elementary School. All the kids loved him.

Because I was so young then, my memory of Mr. James is fuzzy. What I do remember is that he used to sing all the time, whether it was at assemblies or just randomly in the halls while cleaning up puke. I don’t remember if he was good at singing, or if he was just a ham, but it was great either way.

Every kid should grow up with a singing janitor. Thank you, Mr. James.

Great Music Saturday at Beaners

John HermansonThis Saturday two of my favorite musicians, Danny Schmidt and John Hermanson (of Storyhill, Alva Star, and The Hopefuls), will be playing in the round with third artist Chris O’Brien at Beaner’s Central.

Go check them out; pack the place!
Cost: $15 (for three FANTASTIC musicians)
Showtime: 8pm

looking for digital video!

heya folks. basically here it is. the keep aways want your videos! we’re trying to compile good video for our performance at homegrown for an electronic press kit.  anyone going to have their cameras ready? i’m going to be recording most of the homegrown shows i go too and would love video of our set friday may1st at 2am. dont worry about sound quality. i’ll be adding the audio from the board recording in post. i’d like more than one angle if possible. so if you’re going to be there and would like to contribute, we’d love to hear from you.

[email protected]

from vader with love,


So you think you’re a geek??

*MAD* bonus points who can tell me what “GNDN” stands for. No Googling!!

TNG switch plate covers

TNG switch plate covers

Children’s Health Fair

Sponsored by the Duluth Children’s Museum

When: Saturday, May 9th from 1 to 4pm
Where: Duluth Depot Great Hall

Depot admission price gives you access to the Health Fair and the Duluth Children’s Museum.
The event is free for Duluth Children’s Museum members.

The Health Fair will feature:

Information booths
Story time
Puppet show
Family yoga mini-classes
Drawings for free memberships

It’s 1773.


I spied the tea party today in Duluth. Actual tea was put into the harbor, loose and packet form. My question is: What public employee is gonna clean it up without people paying taxes anymore? I’d post a few pics but I’m not finding the upload button. Help?