Dylan Days in Hibbing coming May 21-24

Here is our fresh new Dylan Days press release, cross posted at my blog, going out today:

Dylan Days boasts full new schedule for 2009
Lineup features music, art and literature in music icon’s hometown

HIBBING, Minn. (April 20, 2009) – As Bob Dylan prepares to release another new album, his hometown of Hibbing, Minn., is preparing to honor him with its annual celebration of music, literature, visual art and Dylan history. Dylan Days 2009 takes place May 21-24.


We here at the Renegade Comedy Theatre like putting on shows. They’re fun. And, we think you like seeing them too. So, how bout we join forces to make sure those shows we both like so much can keep happening?

How, you ask? Good question! And if you’d shut up for two seconds we’ll tell you…sheeesh.

If Renegade receives $250 in donations between now and Thursday, April 30th at 5pm, members of DINK TANK will head down to the Duluth 10 theatre and camp out overnight to be first in line to buy tickets to the latest Matthew McConaughey opus, “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past.”

Chickens in the City?

I doubt I will actually do this, but wanted some input, encouragement and/or discouragement based on experience

Backyard Chickens

Backyard Chickens

Hunting a Grouse with a House: Local Food Stories

What’s the most interesting story you can tell about eating “something local”?

I might be the only person you’ve ever heard of who actually hunted a grouse with a house. About seven years ago I lived on Morris Thomas Road. One day my daughter (then 7) and I were sitting and reading a book together when we heard a tremendous bang against the large plate glass window on the front of the house. When we looked outside we found a grouse dead on the lawn. My daughter, ever responsible and serious at the time, said we shouldn’t let the animal go to waste.

I’ve never been a hunter, so I called the DNR and asked the very nice man who answered the phone if there was any reason (legal or health-related) that I couldn’t eat that bird, and he proceeded not only to reassure me it was alright, but also to carefully explain how to skin the bird and prepare it. We ate it for dinner and my daughter and wife both declared it was the best winged creature they’d ever eaten.

What’s the oddest local food story (either acquiring, preparing or any other) you have?

They Would Know, Wouldn’t They?

The DNT ran an article today about jobless rates in the Northland.  I don’t know about the dead-tree version, but online they ran a photo of an empty cubicle with the story. The photo appears to be an empty cubicle at the paper itself.  I’m sure there are a lot of those around these days.

ECO Store Grand Opening Wednesday

Come, Celebrate Grand Opening on Earth Day!

Check it out!

Check It Out!

Check It Out!

If You Are in the Twin Cities Tomorrow

Ms. Laurie Hertzel, the book editor of the Mlps Star Tribune, and I will talk about  books and the state of the publishing industry Tuesday evening, April 21, at the spanking-new Mlps. Central Library, 300 Nicollet Mall. Our panel discussion will be moderated by Cathy Wurzer of MPR, and taped for later broadcast (I don’t know when). Event begins at 7 pm. I’m sure there’ll be a fabulous refreshments afterwards, there certainly were last time I went to a talk at the Mlps. Central Library.

Laurie Hertzel is a Duluth expat, who began her journalism career right here in D-Town, at the Duluth News Tribune. She’s also the author of several books, including Boomtown Landmarks. I write for Publishers Weekly magazine, but, unlike Laurie, have never written a book.

Testing the new policy…

Thought I would try out the gray area in the promotion portion of the PDD policy. Figured I could post this for the following reasons:

1. The shirts are local.
2. They have a positive impact through their message and the organizations that benefit from the proceeds. More positive can only dilute the negative.
3. They all have at least something to do with art or humanity. And I know there are a lot of artists and humans in the PDD community.
4. At least two of them can be related to music, which I’m guessing will win the approval of Culture Czar Baci (kidding Baci, but I do like that title).

Hopefully, that’s enough to qualify. If not, feel free to remove. And yes, I have permission from Fatboy Slim’s management to use his music.


2009 Geek Royalty


All hail the new King and Queen of Geek Prom, James Ellingson and Rachael Gilman.

Skywalkin’ in Duluth in 2009

Short video through a part of the Duluth Skywalk.

July 25 – Woman-Made: Marvelous Things made by Women in the Northland

This art & quality craft fair will be held at the College of Saint Scholastica, Somers Lounge. A portion of the vendors fee will go to the Girl Power program at the YWCA. If you are a local or regional artist, please inquire by June 1. The jewelry category is already filled. www.greygreen.org/duluthfairs 525-5098

May 2 -Dulcimer Day in Duluth festival

Fantastic guest performers playing the dulcimer (mountain and hammered), mandolin, bluegrass, old-time, ballads, clogging and good fun. Concerts at 1 pm and 7 pm. Local crafters 10 to 4 pm (concert pass required to get into crafter area which also includes a 4 pm contradance) Twenty classes starting at 9 a.m. to learn to play folk instrument. See schedule at www.DulcimersInDuluth.com The theme is Music is Mountains of Fun.

April 30 -Showing of Snively’s Road video by Mark Ryan

Thursday, April 30 at 6:30 p.m.
“Snively’s Road” video documentary showing
Come watch a showing of Snively’s Road, a video on the history of Skyline Parkway produced by Mark Ryan which will be shown at the Duluth Public Library. The showing is free and will be in the Green Room on Michigan Street level.

Event is provided by the Skyline Planning & Preservation Alliance

Roller Disco!

Saturday, April 18
$5 Cover (Includes skates rental)

Come skate and listen to some good disco cutz played & mixed live on vinyl records!  Meet up after skating at Capri bar in Superior. Fun!

World of Wheels

