Charlie Parr on Writing Songs

Charlie Parr shares insights with Kyle Orla about how he wrote “1922 Blues,” “Remember Me if I Forget,” and his songwriting process in general.

Riding a Train to Duluth on YouTube

I love trains. So when this showed up in my YouTube feed, I was excited.

St. Louis River frogs devouring mayflies

Shot with a simple iPhone — little leopard frogs gobbling up mayflies on the edge of the St. Louis River in Duluth’s Riverside neighborhood.

Model Trains of the Duluth Depot

Recently inspired to look into trains in Duluth, I found this video. It’s a bit older than some of the videos I’m posting, but it’s still more or less contemporary.

I love the practice of model trains. My grandpa helped me set one up in my basement, and it was wonderful, but being in my basement made the tracks tarnish, hindering the current that made the train run. So I eventually just used the track board as a table.

A New Duluth Podcast

There’s a new podcast floating about that might be an enjoyable listen: Getting Bridged. What happens on the podcast? Gar and Kelli, lifelong Duluth residents, chat over the places in the city with stories that need to be told. It’s light on history and heavy on nostalgia, and when you’re waiting in line for the Arial Lift Bridge to come back down as a Laker is heading through, this might be just what you need.

There are nine episodes available, with topics like the old Bryant Elementary School, shopping downtown back in the day, and, most recently, serving in the 148th Fighter Wing. Check it out on

Model Trains of an Imaginary Duluth

Model railroaders have incredible imaginations. This person has established an imaginary rail company carrying materials from the range to Duluth and from Duluth to Minneapolis.

Duluth’s Ten Most Endangered Places in 2022

The Duluth Preservation Alliance has announced its 2022 list of the ten most endangered places. The intention is to raise awareness about historic properties that are likely to be lost. The organization previously released endangered properties lists in 2021 and 2017. An interactive story map for the 2022 list is available at

PDD Quiz: August 2022

It’s nearing the end of the month, which means that it’s time for PDD’s current events quiz!

The next PDD quiz will look at bygone Duluth school buildings; it will be published on Sept. 11. Submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Sept. 7.

The Train Ride to Two Harbors

There are a ton of videos of the train ride from Downtown Duluth to Two Harbors. The one above is from the engine.

Alternate Duluths

Co-written with Allen Richardson

Dr. Mallard McPurdy disappeared in 2005 while surveying regional probability for the University of Minnesota Duluth’s short-lived Anomalies Department. A team led by Dr. Leon Oswald recovered McPurdy’s yellow pressure suit on Skyline Boulevard, but McPurdy remains at large. His suit contained video files from which the following transcriptions were made; we obtained these with a Freedom of Information Act request.

Duluth 1. Air analysis complete: Bacteria Spore, Origin Unknown. I hope these cheap-ass containment suits actually contain.

The dim, overcast light coming through my smeared faceplate told me little about season or time of day. “Dr. Oswald!” I screamed, weeping as the dread and isolation overwhelmed me. I put on a brave face, clenching my fists, unimpressed by the amount of courage I could muster.

Sadkin – “Mirage”

Last fall Sadkin made a video for the single “Mirage.” It is finally out today.

Trampled by Turtles – “On the Highway”

The new Trampled by Turtles music video, “On the Highway” aka “Return of the Owl Face,” was shot and edited by Cooper Baumgartner. The band’s upcoming album Alpenglow, is scheduled for release Oct. 28.

Duluth’s Building For Women featured in abortion-access article

“For nearly three decades, long before the fall of Roe v. Wade, the blond brick Building for Women in Duluth, Minnesota, has been a destination for patients traveling from other states to get an abortion. They have come from places where abortions were legal but clinics were scarce and from states where restrictive laws have narrowed windows of opportunity.”

The Slice: The Committed Duo

Juraj Kols and Jennifer Beattie, together known as the Committed Duo, performed music on a sinking barge off Minnesota Point in Duluth during the the second annual SubSuperior Underwater Music and Art Festival in July.

In its series The Slice, WDSE-TV presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

Selective Focus: Duluth Boudoir Photography

© Mad Chicken Studio

Duluth Boudoir Photography is a gender inclusive photography studio dedicated to helping humans build confidence and see themselves in a new light. Led by Jes Hayes, a Duluth Boudoir session provides clients with hair, makeup, dress, full studio and safe space to feel sexy.