Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Moses Viveros

Art by Nelle Rhicard at

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and over 54% of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. They build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

Alan Sparhawk – “I Made This Beat”

Alan Sparhawk launches “The White Roses Tour” this weekend with four shows in Europe followed by stops in 14 U.S. cities during the month of November. The new lyric video for “I Made This Beat” is a helpful guide to learning all four of the words in the song.

The Slice: Behind the Haunt

The 30th season of the Haunted Shack ended on Saturday. This video goes behind the scenes to see what it takes to create the scares.

In its series The Slice, PBS North presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

Josh the Rapper – “Halloween is Coming Up Soon”

From the graveyards of Duluth, Josh the Rapper throws down about the impending holiday.

Video: Steve Solkela in the Superior Spooktacular Parade

Superior Porchfest took part in the 10th annual Superior Spooktacular Parade on Saturday, represented by musician Steve Solkela. The video was made by Bret Holland.

Postcard from the Aerial Lift Bridge Circa the 1960s

This undated postcard, published by the W. A. Fisher Company, features a Kodachrome photo of the Aerial Lift Bridge circa maybe the early 1960s.

Selective Focus: The Photographic Eye of Eric Sturtz

Left: Eric Sturtz self portrait. Right: Stony Point.

When looking at Eric Sturtz’s body of work, it’s clear the natural world inspires him. His photographic journey has taken him to the Grand Canyon and the hills of South Dakota, as well as out of the United States to places like Iceland.

PDD Quiz: October 2024

Close out a month of tricks and treats with this week’s current affairs quiz.

A deep dive into Alan Sparhawk’s many music projects will come your way on Nov. 10. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Nov. 7.

Duluth Hillside Cam

The live view from one of the 11 Duluth Harbor Cam locations.

Ripped at the Duluth Athletic Club in 2004

[Editor’s note: For this week’s essay we’ve once again pulled out a relic from the archive of Slim Goodbuzz, who served as Duluth’s “booze connoisseur” from 1999 to 2009. Twenty years ago the Sultan of Sot paid a visit to the Duluth Athletic Club Bar & Grill, 402 W. First St., and composed this article for the October 2004 issue of the Ripsaw magazine. The Duluth Athletic Club closed in 2008 after it was flooded by a toilet overflow.]

Tonight, in an effort to mentally prepare you for the upcoming presidential election, I ask this question: Where in the Twin Ports would George W. Bush go to get drunk? The answer, of course, is nowhere. Bush doesn’t drink. He used to drink, but then he flip-flopped and turned into an evangelical traitor to the cause.

John Kerry, on the other hand, might go to the Duluth Athletic Club Bar & Grill. After all, the DAC is a nice, clean, all-American place where any political figure could spend a quiet night without any controversy whatsoever. And a rich sonuvabitch like Kerry could certainly afford the overpriced drinks.

Anthony Bennett – “Happy Halloween”

Perfect Duluth Day’s own Tony Bennett has a hot new single burning up the Halloween charts.

Boylan Threatens Murder

One hundred years ago today — Oct. 25, 1924 — the Duluth Rip-saw newspaper published a front page story attacking Minnesota State Senator Mike Boylan. The article contributed to the 1925 creation of the Public Nuisance Law, also known as the “Minnesota Gag Law,” which made publishers of “malicious, scandalous and defamatory” newspapers or magazines guilty of creating a public nuisance, and allowed judges to stop the publication of those periodicals. A restraining order was placed on the Rip-saw in 1926. Publisher John L. Morrison fell ill soon after and died.

In 1931 the gag law was challenged by Jay Near, publisher of the Saturday Press in Minneapolis. The Supreme Court ruled the law violated the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which protects the freedom of the press.

Hellwig Hollow: An Inner Monologue

The Way There

  • Canyon? Is that up north?
  • Oh, it’s past Twig, just south of Cotton, gotcha!
  • I didn’t know they had a haunted thingy out there.
  • How the hell do you get to it?
  • No, I have never heard of the Dawghouse Bar & Grill, but I assume it is near the hollow?
  • Okay — park at the Dawghouse and a bus will shuttle us to the actual attraction.
  • I’m not super sure how this is going to be set up … but I guess we are just gonna have to go and find out.

Duluth 2024 General Election Sample Ballot

This sample ballot is specific to Duluth’s western neighborhoods. Races for Minnesota State Representative and St. Louis County Board of Commissioners vary throughout the city.

Minnesota Historical Society acquires Wing Young Huie archive

A collection of 5,000 photographs by Duluth native Wing Young Huie will soon be available online through the Minnesota Historical Society, the Minnesota Star Tribune reports. The images capture a view of community life in Minnesota.

The first part of the collection, 965 images and supporting material, is already available in the searchable Collections Online database and the Gale Family Library. The full archive of 5,000 photographs and related material will become publicly available over the next five years.