Video: Grace Holden dances with Lizzo on SNL

The second song by Minneapolis-based pop star Lizzo on Saturday Night Live, “Good as Hell,” featured Grace Holden of Duluth/Bemidji. Among the four dancers on the floor, she is third from the left in the opening minute, before the rotation.

Another rare find at the CSS Book Sale

I have invited Michael Fedo to talk to my classes several times. He is in some ways an old-fashioned freelancer, following the story where the market will take him. He is, in some ways, an old fashioned humorist.

Mystery Photo #102: Three Dudes in Fake Car

A recurring source of confusion in the Mystery Photo series is whether particular images that share the stamp of the Post Card Shop in Minneapolis and the Penny Arcade in Duluth were shot in Minneapolis or Duluth. Here is another such image.

R.I.P. Louis Jenkins

Parking Structure, Michigan Avenue, US Bank

What did I miss? Why is the US Bank-labeled parking structure on Michigan Avenue in Duluth closed?

The Most Read Saturday Essays of 2019

Saturday Essay logo genericIt’s an annual tradition at Perfect Duluth Day to wrap up each year of the “Saturday Essay” series with lazy top-five lists instead of arduously prepared compositions. Here we go again.

This week is part one, highlighting the essays that were read the most times according to Google Analytics. Next week is less of a popularity contest; we’ll showcase five underappreciated gems.

Grace Holden will dance with Lizzo on Saturday Night Live

Grace Holden, a Bemidji native and longtime trumpeter and dancer for Duluth band Red Mountain, has also been dancing with Minneapolis-based pop star Lizzo for nearly five years. The Bemidji Pioneer reports Holden will be part of the act when Lizzo appears as musical guest on the Dec. 21 episode of Saturday Night Live.

Selective Focus: Santa Claus

Select Instagram images of jolly old St. Nick.

Climate>Duluth: Bill Mittlefehldt

Host Tone Lanzillo interviews Bill Mittlefehldt of Cross Currents, LLC. This is show #5 in the Climate>Duluth series recorded at Duluth Public Access Community Television’s studio in City Hall.

Christmas Greetings from Aunt Lois and Uncle Hermie

Aunt Lois and Uncle Hermie send Christmas greetings from Duluth to their niece in Beverly Hills.

St. Lutgarde of Aywières at the CSS Book Sale

Annually, the College of St. Scholastica sells books, records, and other media — in part, it looks like, to clear shelves of material that does not circulate, and in part, I think, to offload donations.

I managed to snag a few items worth thinking about. The first was a biography of St. Lutgarde by Thomas Merton.

Bird’s-eye View of Duluth-Superior, 1908

This postcard features a drawing of Duluth, Superior and the St. Louis River, and was copyrighted by Thomas W. Wahl of Wahl Realty Co. in 1908.

So warmly clad in Patrick coat and sweater

Duluth Trivia Deck Sampler #32

Another trivia card from a board game purchased at Savers.

Brianna Lane – “Duluth”

Minneapolis-based singer/songwriter Brianna Lane released her song “Duluth” on the 2002 album On Rooftops.