BoomTown will replace Sunset Bar & Grill

Arrival of Hon. James L. Oberstar in Duluth

A crowd of photographers and ship watchers convened at Canal Park on Jan. 14 to watch the Oberstar glide through the icy water concluding its final voyage of the shipping season. Come along for the ride as the ship chugs out hot plumes of steam and cuts a path through the ice.

Duluth Adventures: An Encyclopedia of Human-powered Multisport Adventures

I’ve been a bit obsessed with planning human-powered multisport adventures in Northeastern Minnesota. Even within Duluth city limits, the options for loops are nearly endless. I was curious if anyone else out there had done similar trips in the past. Then I thought about how cool it would be to have a documentation of many routes for others to explore, want to replicate, or spur their creativity for a new route/loop. And Duluth Adventures was born!

Check out This website pretty much hinges on other people’s submissions so I strongly encourage anyone to navigate to the “submit” button and send in their own routes.

Postcard from old Duluth Post Office and Incline Pavilion

This postcard was mailed Jan. 15, 1910. The image is referred to on the back of the card as depicting “Duluth about 18 years ago,” which would be 1892, the year the Beacon Hill Pavilion opened at the top of the Duluth Incline.

History of the Arrowhead Radio Amateurs Club

Arrowhead Radio Amateurs Club marked its 90th anniversary in December with the release of this documentary, written and produced by Kim Waller. ARAC was founded on Dec. 3, 1929 with the mission to promote the growth and enjoyment of ham radio in northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin.

Duluth Trivia Deck Sampler #36: Engwall Edition

Another trivia card from a board game purchased at Savers.

Dave Hudson – “Samson in Duluth”

Brooklyn, New York-based musician Dave Hudson references Duluth on this track from his 2001 album New Sickness.

PDD Quiz: Coming Attractions in 2020

Peer into the future with this edition of the PDD quiz, which previews events coming Duluth’s way in 2020.

The next PDD quiz, reviewing this month’s headlines and happenings, will be published on Jan. 26. Please submit question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Jan. 23.

Postcards from the Kitchi Gammi Club

This postcard was mailed 100 years ago today — Jan. 12, 1920. It shows the clubhouse of the Kitchi Gammi Club, which opened six years before the postcard hit the mailbag. The building still stands at 831 E. Superior St., and the organization is still active. The Kitchi Gammi Club formed in 1883, making it the oldest incorporated club in Minnesota.

Grant secures 44 acres of western Skyline Parkway land

Jessica Lange: Behind the Lens (in Duluth)

A CBS feature on Jessica Lang’s photography and her roots in Minnesota. She gives a tour of the area with emphasis on Highway 61, the title of her book of photography.

Vomit Detective

When partially digested nourishment is involuntarily ejected through the mouth, one of the first reactions is to wonder what caused it to happen. Was rancid meat recently consumed? Is there a norovirus going around?

Sometimes excessive alcohol is to blame and there isn’t a lot of detective work necessary. When that isn’t the case, however, the cause of a sudden retching can be difficult to track.

I have some recent experience as a vomit detective, following an incident that preceded the Christmas holiday. After a full month on the case, I can confidently state that the evidence points toward the culprit being either a cookie, a bowl of chili, or really just about anything else I encountered around that time.

That’s right, I’m getting ready to wrap up my investigation and file it as a cold case.

What’s worse is that information gathered in my latest probe has called into question a case from 2015. I might have wrongfully convicted a local fast-food chain restaurant of food poisoning.

Selective Focus: Duluth-area Film Festivals in 2020

If you’re a fan of film or an aspiring filmmaker, here’s a quick list of festivals in the area you can get involved in by attending or submitting your work. Each has a different focus and flavor, but for those interested in the art of filmmaking, there are opportunities for involvement at many of levels beyond being an audience member.

Duluth Schools of the 1890s

Courtesy of the New York Public Library and Google Books, detailed Duluth School Board annual reports from 125 years ago are available online to geek out on.

Report of the Board of Education of the City of Duluth, Minnesota (1891 to 1894)
Report of the Board of Education of the City of Duluth, Minnesota (1895 to 1901)

Video: Duluth Inauguration 2020

Duluth Mayor Emily Larson and newly elected city council members were sworn in at the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center on Jan. 6.