Steve Solkela – “Son imbrogliato io gia”

Steve Solkela performs his favorite aria in this promo video for the intermezzo opera La Serva Padrona, which runs Sept. 11-12 at the Lyric Center in Virginia and Sept. 13-15 at the Douglas County Historical Society in Superior.

Downtown Duluth 1964

This photo of Downtown Duluth, found on the French-language edition of Wikipedia, is dated Sept. 1, 1964. It shows East Superior Street from Lake Avenue looking northeast with the Hotel Duluth at center frame. Note the NorShor Theatre still had its tower marquee, which was dismantled in 1967.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Tiffany Fenner

Art by Nelle Rhicard at

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and more than 54 percent of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. The organization’s workers build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

PDD Geoguessr #25: Duluth Creeks

The lower falls of Chester Creek. (Photo by Matthew James)

Forty-two named streams run through the Duluth metropolitan area, from Mission Creek in West Duluth to the Lester River on the eastern edge of the city. This Geoguessr challenge looks at photospheres from five of the creeks within the Duluth Urban Watershed.

Ghost Dogs

“The safest way to heaven is to be eaten by beautiful dogs.”

— Kamchatka proverb

My family had a pair of little dogs like on the Black and White scotch whiskey label: a black Scottish Terrier and a West Highland White Terrier. My folks got the Scottish Terrier first, when I was in fourth grade. Being English teachers, they thought it was hilarious to name her Macduff, after the character who kills Macbeth in “the Scottish Play.” Four years later we gave Dad the white Westie for Christmas. He named the dog Budger. Dad died that summer.

Three years passed. It was the summer after eleventh grade. My brother and I ate some LSD after Mom and our sister left the house for the day. This was my first acid trip. We walked to the ice cream shop until we started feeling weird. Returning home we flopped down on the living room carpet and let the dogs come to us. We lay there laughing while Macduff and Budger licked our faces and wagged their tails and sniffed in our ears. I had what felt like a genetic memory of people playing with their dogs back down through the stone age and into deep time. The black and the white dog symbolized more than themselves, and I did too.

Postcard from the Great Northern Power Company Dam

This postcard, published by the Duluth Photo Engraving Company, was mailed 100 years ago today — Aug. 30, 1924. It shows the Great Northern Power Company Dam, now known as the Thomson Dam and operated by Minnesota Power.

Duluth’s Ten Most Endangered Places in 2024

The Duluth Preservation Alliance has announced its 2024 list of the ten most endangered places. The list includes buildings with active plans for demolition, properties with uncertain futures and underrecognized places with overlooked history that might be vulnerable to future threats.

PDD Shop Talk: Labor Day Weekend Edition

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For a tad more than 21 years, Perfect Duluth Day has depended heavily on unpaid labor. Though multiple independent contractors receive paychecks for their contributions to the website, the amount of work that goes out has always greatly exceeded the amount of dollars that come in. That’s why we occasionally toss up a post to remind everyone that PDD can always be better or worse based on cash flow, so donations are a big help.

The Slice: Minnesota Murals

This video offers a look at select murals in West Duluth, Cloquet and Wrenshall.

In its series The Slice, PBS North presents short “slices of life” that capture the events and experiences that bring people together and speak to what it means to live up north.

Literary History of Duluth: Joel Carter

Another thrift store find:  I would love it if anyone with stories about this book, about its poetry or the art or the press, would post below or email dbeard @

Jugger, a sword-fighting and rugby combo, has arrived in Duluth

Jack Brown, Mitchell Glatzel and Noah Pongratz duel at Leif Erikson Park. When playing jugger they go by the names Dragon, Tumbles and Grub.

There’s a weekly sword fight at Leif Erikson Park in Duluth. Rolling, sliding and dodging blow after blow of foam attacks, three duelists who call themselves Dragon, Tumbles and Grub always draw a crowd of onlookers.

To the uninformed, the spectacle might seem like a form of live-action roleplay. But it would be more accurate to say Dragon and his crew have introduced a new sport to Duluth: jugger.

New Tweed director thinks of museum as classroom

Tweed Museum of Art Director Julie Delliquanti.

The fall semester hasn’t quite begun at the University of Minnesota Duluth, but the new director of the Tweed Museum of Art has been meeting with faculty in disciplines across campus to examine how the museum can further contribute to intellectual pursuits.

Alan Sparhawk Band Live at Minnesota Music Month Showcase

Alan Sparhawk performed at Radio Heartland’s Minnesota Music Month showcase at First Avenue in April, backed by Al Church on drums and Cyrus Sparhawk on bass. The set featured the songs “Stranger,” “Get Still,” “Can U Hear” and “I Made This Beat.” Sparhawk’s upcoming album White Roses, My God releases Sept. 27 on Sub Pop Records.

Literary History of Duluth: Savage Press

I’m still slowly writing the literary history of Duluth and would love if anyone with stories of Savage Press would post below or email me at dbeard @

Ian Alexy – “Angeles”

“Angeles” is the fifth video release from Ian Alexy‘s new EP of cover songs titled Campfire Extraordinary. The song “Angeles” was originally written and recorded by Elliott Smith.