Homegrown Music Video Showcase 2020

Eight videos were submitted for the 12th Annual Homegrown Music Video Showcase. It was clearly a strange year, as the COVID-19 Stay at Home order happened right during the time the videos were to be produced. But some got a jump on shooting early, some got innovative with their source material and some collaborated while still keeping their social distance. Thanks to all the musicians who offered up their music, and thanks to all the video makers for pulling these together.

Here’s this year’s lineup:

Dance Attic – “Livin’ with a Bear”
Video by Dave Mehling

JamesG – “Landing Gear”
Video by Edward Simon

Breanne Marie and the Front Porch Sinners – “Babies in the River”
Videography by Alyssa DeFoe, Edited by David Syring

Bridget’s Cadillac – “Baby Blue”
Video by Paul Lundgren

Woodblind – “Another One”
Video by Chris Handsone and Laure Charleux

Tim Kaiser – “The Sorrow of Klaatu”
Video by Brian Barber

Smarter Than Yeast – “On the Night Train”
Video by David Syring

Iron Range Outlaw Brigade – “Drive”
Video by Lyz Jaakola

Homegrown Music Video Festival Index
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