Bold North is a short documentary film exploring the wilds of Minnesota. Accompanied by an original full orchestral score recorded by the Budapest Scoring Orchestra, Bold North accentuates the beauty, drama, and magnificence of the wildlife, landscapes, and vast natural diversity that can be found within The Star of the North. The film includes over 60 locations throughout Minnesota including the Sax-Zim Bog. Benji Inniger is a nationally award-winning composer, sound designer, recording engineer, musician, director and photographer from Mankato,…
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Bold North is a short documentary film exploring the wilds of Minnesota. Accompanied by...
The Ultra Pickle Project is a documentary about running the Superior Fall Race 100-mile ultramarathon on the Superior Hiking Trail and how the experience transforms runners. The race follows rugged and technical terrain, with participants running through the night, testing every limit. Documentary filmmakers Jeff Berg and Lucy Hawthorne follow the 2023 runners in the film. Advance tickets are available at All proceeds benefit the Superior Hiking Trail. The screening and winter trail panel are the culminating events of…
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The Ultra Pickle Project is a documentary about running the Superior Fall Race 100-mile...
This screening of Star Wars: A New Hope presents a version dubbed in Ojibwemowin, with English subtitles. Follow ogichidaa Luke Skywalker on his quest to restore balance to the Force and bring peace to the galaxy, and hear the Ojibwe language celebrated in a new and fantastic way. Ajuawak Kapasheisit, the voice of Han Solo, will answer questions before the screening and share with the group what it was like to work on the project. The interview session begins at…
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This screening of Star Wars: A New Hope presents a version dubbed in Ojibwemowin,...