Videos Posts

Low – “Try to Sleep” featuring John Stamos

[Previously on PDD: Low and Uncle Jesse?]

A Bloody Good Time

Renegade Theater Company presents Martin McDonagh’s The Lieutentant of Inishmore.

“I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Caroline Smith and Jesse Schuster

Enjoy Caroline Smith and Jesse Schuster (Caroline Smith and the Goodnight Sleeps) as they cover “I Can’t Make You Love Me” by Bonnie Raitt.

Video directed and produced by Ryan Dahlberg and made possible with support from Beaner’s Central Concert Coffee House. Special thanks to Jason Wussow.

Where in Duluth? The video.

This is an actual “Where in Duluth?” since I cannot tell exactly where it is. I have a couple of guesses but the PDD brain trust will know for sure, and I’m hoping you’ll have a little color or perspective to add, too.

Haley Bonar – “Give it Up”

Homegrown Music Video Festival

Call for music!
Call for filmmakers!

We’re doing another Homegrown Music Video Festival this year. Filmmakers draw a song at random from a beautiful top hat, then make a music video from said song.

Here is the PDD link to last year.

Would you be willing to donate a song or two to the cause?
Would you like to make a music video for a free pass to Homegrown?

Spin Collective at Clyde Iron Works with Paul Broman and Kevin Craig

Video by Timothy Johnson

Rachael Kilgour – “He’ll Save Me”

[This post originally contained an embedded video that has been removed from YouTube.]

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

“Take Me Out To The Ball Game” was written by Jack Norworth and Albert Von Tilzer in 1908. These images were shot the same year to help sell the song to the public.

The singer in the video is Edward Meeker, one of Thomas Edison’s technicians. This is how they sold music (sheet music, specifically) back in the day — kind of an early form of music video. These were called illustrated songs. An “illustrator” would stand on stage and sing the song while glass slide images portraying the song’s storyline were projected on a screen. Anywhere from 12 to 16 slides were produced for a song. The last slide was usually the chorus text so audience members could sing along. In this version, I’ve enhanced the chorus with slides from other baseball songs. Illustrated songs were often part of vaudeville and early movie theater programs. Notice the giant wad of Cracker Jacks Katie Casey is enjoying. That’s how it was sold back then.

It’s opening day!

Alan Sparhawk Unplugged

Duluth Surfing Footage from CBS News

[This post originally contained an embedded video that no longer exists.]

This could be fun…


Nuke Boy

The Black-eyed Snakes — Bo Diddley

Shot by Rich Narum on March 11 at R.T. Quinlan’s Saloon in Duluth.