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Defend Anti-War Activists!

Early Bird Music at Chester Creek Cafe Wine Bar: J. Martin

Nerd Nite a success

Congratulations to Nerd Nite, the excellent night out at Teatro Zuccone.

Talks about rock tumbling, Star Wars prop replicas, and astronomy marked the evening as what it could be, at its best: a showcase for the passions of individuals. [If the talk on Fan Fiction fell short, it only fell short because the speaker was talking about someone else’s passions, not her own.] I had no idea the energy and the technique involved in rock tumbling. I had no idea the complexity of recreating (replicating) the props used in the first Star Wars movies. And, well, a bedroom designed so that the Big Dipper can be viewed in 3 dimensions from various other stars in the Galaxy, well, wow.

I enjoyed myself, I met a new person, and I felt the passions of others. What more could I ask for $5 admission and $3 for a bottle of Minnesota-brewed soda pop?

Thanks to the organizers, to the Zuccone for hosting, and to the presenters for a great night out.

Duluth Small-business Tax Preparers

My spouse and I work regular salary jobs, but also have a small retail side business (bigger than a hobby, but not big enough to support a family and pay insurance, etc.) I don’t think my small-time preparer is going to register under the new guidelines and I have been a little skeptical about recent year’s filings.

I’ve worked with big accounting houses in the past, but they’re way too expensive and conservative. I don’t want someone to get too clever, but also a preparer that doesn’t think every gray area automatically defaults to the government.

If you own a small business and have a bit of advice or a recommendation, I would appreciate it. If you’re a tax preparer, I’d rather hear from your customers directly.

Google is already in Duluth

Installing a typical home TiSP system is a quick, easy and largely sanitary process — provided you follow these step-by-step instructions very, very carefully.

TiSP: Going with the Flow

Major Gifts Consultant

Safe Haven Shelter for Battered Women Position Summary:

Responsible for implementing all major gifts fundraising in coordination with the executive director, Sustainable Funding Committee, and the Board of Directors.

Essential Functions:
– Play an active role in identifying, cultivating and asking for major gifts.
– Support the Executive Director and key volunteers in major gifts solicitations.
– Maintain stewardship contacts with donors; adhere to the highest ethical standards; demonstrate empathetic disposition, and perseverance; reflect optimistic and positive attitude and convey sensitivity to needs of the donors.
– Maintain constituent reports for every donor contact.
– Set and achieve agreed-up performance goals.
– Utilize and supervise entry of progress in donor software.
For a complete listing of the job description and contact information please go to the Safe Haven Shelter website.

Duluth TV Recycling

I finally upgraded the last of our TVs into the flat-screen age. Does anyone know where to recycle this old “boat anchor” that we have left? I suppose there’s a disposal fee. Any idea how much this is? Thanks for the help. Will likely be going to analog TV heaven this weekend.

XC Skiing at Hartley Park

Fresh snow is falling- which makes tomorrow a great time to get to Hartley Park and Nature Center for some cross-country skiing. Tomorrow night, Jan. 12, from 7-8:30 pm, join members of the Duluth XC Ski Club for an evening headlamp ski on Hartley’s trails. Warm beverages will be provided in the Nature Center. Families are invited!

Early Bird Music Special at Chester Creek Wine Bar!

Get in on some early music with the contemporary folk sounds of Hillside Heidi and Loose Gannon at Chester Creek Cafe Wine Bar.  Enjoy a serving of our Nachos Grande with our special Rooster Q sauce and $2 dollars off of all beer and wine.

Duluth Housekeeping Services

I am looking for someone who would be able to come on Saturdays, once a month, to clean a small home from top to bottom.  Does anyone have any leads?  I will need references, too.  Thanks!

Amsoil Arena

I went to the game last night and other than the remarkably crappy hockey, I have to say that in my already-addressed 10 years in Duluth, I have never been more proud to be a Duluthian.

What a great building, and as Mayor Ness said, what a great achievement for the men and women who built it and the folks who work there. On my way in I heard employees welcoming people, and on the way out I was thanked for coming and invited back, and it was actually sincere. It’s a beautiful facility and I’m so glad that our community voted to build it.

I think 61% of the city would now vote to get the Bulldogs some defense, but that would be a different referendum.

Anyway, thanks to all of those who worked to get the arena, those who worked on the arena, and those who work in it now. It was a great experience and I’m looking forward to many, many more. I would encourage everyone to visit the open house, even if you’re not a hockey fan. It’s going to be a great venue for concerts and other events, too.

Duluth Citizenship Test

Today jessige and I were having lunch together and we pondered the question: how long do you have to live here to be considered a native? (We’re both transplants from Eau Claire, Wisconsin that have lived in this area for ten years or more.)

Well, that topic has been done before here on the ol’ PDD (someone else can find it, I wasn’t able to), so we extrapolated it to “what questions would you put on a ‘Duluth Citizenship’ test?”

What are the essential things that you have to know to be considered a native Duluthian?

Rolling papers

Simple question: What gas station has rolling papers, close to Fitger’s?

Duluth and Iron Will are chopped liver on Explore Minnesota’s “Top 10 Minnesota Film Destinations”

If crappy Disney movies like Iron Will were exempt from the list, how did The Mighty Ducks get included?

Anyway, on the list are:

A Prairie Home Companion – Fitzgerald Theater, Mickey’s Diner
Grumpy Old Men – Lake Rebecca
North Country – The Iron Range
Purple Rain – First Avenue
The Good Son – Palisade Head
Beautiful Girls – Bryant Lake Bowl
Jingle All The Way – Mall of America
Sweet Land – Southwestern Minnesota
The Mighty Ducks – Rice Park
Fargo – Brainerd Lakes Area

Setting Duluth’s Priorities

Here’s a chance to voice your opinion about Duluth’s priorities, the quality of city services, and performance standards. Three focus groups will be held in late January and you can apply to become one of the participants. If selected, you’ll receive $35 for your participation.

To complete an application survey, go to either duluthmn.gov or zenithgroup.com.

The research is being paid for by a grant from the National Center for Civic Innovation. Zenith Research Group of Duluth will conduct each of the 90-minute sessions. More than one member of each household can enter, part of an effort to reach a diverse and representative sampling of city residents. A full news release is available for review on the city’s website.