Duluth, Kansas
Most people who live in Duluth, Minnesota know about Duluth, Georgia. Just today, however, I discovered that there is a third Duluth — Duluth, Kansas. I had no idea.
Most people who live in Duluth, Minnesota know about Duluth, Georgia. Just today, however, I discovered that there is a third Duluth — Duluth, Kansas. I had no idea.
I have been taking care of critters and their homes for about 7-8 years here in Duluth while their owners are on vacation and such and was recently thinking of making up fliers and business cards. Would I have to “register” or something as a business owner? Is there a certain amount of money you need to make to have to pay taxes? I just don’t want to do something illegal by accident. Any help appreciated.
Has anybody else being driven crazy by all the mosquitoes in Duluth the past week?! Seriously, it’s like Alaska out there. I can’t work in the yard without getting drained. I can’t ever remember it being this bad. Theories? (Sustained west winds? Moth spraying killed all the dragonflies? Hurricane Irene sucking them all down from northern Canada?)
My cousin had his bike stolen from the Hillside (9th & 10th Avenue East area) Friday night/Saturday morning. Easily identifiable, 1971 BMW, desert tan paint. Ammo cans were off at time of theft. Please call the DPD if you see this bike, it is one of a kind and hard to miss. Or if you are not the type of person to call the cops, post here or call me at 218-591-five seven ate five.
We have approximately a dozen six-foot logs, primarily ash (hardwood). Needs to be cut into logs and moved by anyone who wants them. The logs are one year old and in my back yard, which is down a hill from the house.
Contact me at sarafenix @ gmail.com and let me know if any of you want them and I will send phone # to make arrangements. It’s going to be first come get’s em.
I have a 4′ x 8′ sheet of picture window glass, double glazed and (I assume) gas filled.
It’s yours for $50 if you pick it up yourself. Bring some friends: it’s one heavy piece of glass.
I know someone here will have the answer!
Chester Creek used to pond inside the park due to a dam that broke out many years ago. Does anyone know why they’ve never replaced it?
Looking for an opportunity to serve the community? Ecolibrium3 has announced it is hiring for three Americorps positions, to start Sept. 16. Submissions are due by August 25.
Mmm, smoking garlic. I hear it’s very medicinal.
As a side note, does anybody else walk around specifically looking for things to photograph for a “Where in Duluth?” post?
We’re in desperate need of a cheap car. Nothing fancy — just something that runs and can be trusted to get us from point A to point B without too much heartbreak. We’d even be willing to rent something for a while until we can get something else.
So if you’ve got something laying around that you don’t really use, let’s talk. Feel free to contact me via email at adam @ moesewco.com.
From time to time the geeks who comment on this website will get into arguments about grammar, spelling and so on. It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does it kind of excites certain people while it embarrasses and annoys others. Some people just love to show off their mad English skills, while others don’t care if their capable of getting there sentences from here to they’re properly.
With that in mind, this post has been created as a bitching ground for uptight word nerds.
Don’t let this post stop you from creating your own post to showcase public blunders in the future, it just seemed like this type of stuff needs a home base.
Here are some related posts from the past:
Really? And I had my hopes up …
Need Fun!
Great food. Bad punctuation.
Unnecessary quotation marks are sometimes disturbing
A Small Request
To help this discussion along, we’ve started the “Perfect Duluth Day Writer’s Guide,” as a handy reference to Duluth-related nouns that are frequently botched.
Let your ranting begin.
… but we’re going to be working hard to get rid of our stuff!
Find yourself heading south on 35 this Friday or Saturday? Take the Esko/Thompson exit. Hang a right at the top and you’ll be looking for 34 W. Riverside Drive. (it’s the second road on your left).
We’ll be there from 9-1 on Friday and 10-? on Saturday, and we need to move this stuff! We’ve got bikes, furniture, art, game systems, clothes, etc. After you’ve found your treasure, head into Esko to check out the happenings.