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Know anyone looking for a cool place to work in Duluth?

Hey! Do you know anyone looking for a cool place to work? Not cold, mind you, but a place where coming to work is like being wrapped a warm, sweaty blanket supplied to you by dear friends? OK, maybe not sweaty. Here’s the deal: I am look for two people who are fun, artistic, and competent to come and work at my company, Raven & Associates, Inc.

ARAC announces grant deadline

From Robert DeArmond
Executive Director
October 28, 2011 Deadline

In this new fiscal year, the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council announces that the Two-year Administrative Support Grant Program application deadline will be Friday, Oct. 28. The ARAC Board will review these grants on Thursday, Jan. 19, and funds will be available by Feb. 1.


Map of American English Dialects

Minnesota Pronunciation Samples — Mayor Don Ness and “miner’s wife” Mildred Opacich represent Duluth. (By “represent” I mean that they are used as examples, not as the whole of the study by any means.)


Looking for Duluth Insight

I’m a new student at UMD and I have been in Duluth for almost a month now. I have been to Canal Park, downtown, Enger Tower, and other well-known places, but that’s kind of it. Other than what I’ve observed from points of interests and basic knowledge from Wikipedia, I really don’t know much about the city. So I was wondering if there was a person(s) out there that I could just chat with to learn about Duluth’s politics, culture, accomplishments, struggles, people, places, history, future, or whatever I should know. Ultimately I am just trying to get an insider’s perspective of Duluth beyond UMD. If you would want to chat sometime or could refer me to somebody just send me an email, so we can hopefully set something up.([email protected]) Thanks!

Harbor City Art Fair seeking vendors

Harbor City International School is looking for artists and crafters of handmade items to exhibit and sell their works in the “movement studio,” which is adjacent to the school’s beautiful theater and lobby.

The Harbor City Art Fair is a fun-filled event with art, music, food, activities, and more! It will be held on Saturday, Oct. 22, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please contact Emma Rustan at 218-428-1189 for more information or email erustan @ harborcityschool.org to receive an application.

Missing Dog in Lakeside

Our dog escaped this morning in the area of 43rd and Superior St.  He has a red collar with no tags (yeah, yeah, I know) and his name is Buddy.  He’s very friendly and very sweet.  Short and fat like a basset.

If you see him, please call us at 5two5-three9three0. Thanks.

CD “jewel cases” — whaddayadowidem?

Does anybody know how to get rid of old plastic CD cases “in a good way”?

Let the pelican rock your world.

An American White Pelican has been cruising off of Park Point the last day or two, between the Lift Bridge and the S-Curve. This bird is HUGE. And so beautiful. Read here about my close encounter with this fine creature this morning.

Perfect Duluth Day

I love all weather … but today was a perfect Duluth day and I am glad to be alive!

Ecolibrium3 looking to fill a full-time Americorps position

Ecolibrium3 is seeking to fill a full-time (1700 hours) Americorps position, to start Oct. 1. Submissions are due by Sept. 23 at 3 p.m. Please view position description below.

DeVante’s Children at Bayfront Park

At the festival at Bayfront, Kate and I met SM Johnson, who was sharing a booth with a local alt-weekly. (I asked whether this was a “split” booth and they replied that it was a “shared” booth, which tells you a lot about the awesome community at the festival. Anyway.)

book cover

I see that Dr. Bernabo has read one of Johnson’s novels (DeVante’s Children, Torquere Press 2008). She maintains a blog, too. Anybody else read one?

Not your typical Duluth Visit

Where can I take hipster guests that is off the beaten path. Fun trails? Goofy shops? A-typical eating? Quirky destinations?

For instance, I’ve heard of Graffiti Graveyard, but I have no idea where it is – would this be a neat place to show someone interested in “real” Duluth and has already ohhh’d and ahhhh’d over the bridge?

What other neato gems are there out there?

Empire Builder at the Comic Shop

Game Box.

Friday, Sept. 9: Come play games at Collector’s Connection, milling about starts at 5:30, action starts by 6pm. The game this week is “Empire Builder,” led by William Belcher.

Lost Camera

My family has lost its camera, a Canon SD870IS. It should have pictures of us at the Bubble Fest last weekend. That may be where we lost it, but we can’t remember. Please comment or email me, seagroves at gmail dot com, if you think you may have it — we would really really appreciate it!

Junior League of Duluth Membership Class

The Junior League of Duluth is an organization of great women who have been positively impacting the Twin Ports community for over 90 years.