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Making an apartment a home

I remember when I was first looking at Duluth as a place to move for college. Being tired of my job and wanting something new I decided to go back to school, and remembering how much I loved Duluth; I started checking out colleges. Having found a program and school, my next task was to find a place to live. I was not prepared for the daunting task that would ensue.

Raven & Associates is looking for a minion … er, an employee!

This worked so well last time, we thought we would try it again! Raven & Associates, Inc. is a promotional products company in Duluth that sells mainly to camps, nonprofits and outdoor groups nationally. We are looking for an additional customer service rep to join our team. We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time customer-service representative position. Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience, background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.

For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or send me a message via our Facebook page.

Time Bank for Duluth (and Superior)

Is Duluth ready for a time bank? Other cities around the world have them setup. They are a way to exchange hours of work (not goods).

Informational meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 15, 8 to 9:30 a.m, Ordean (United Way) building, Superior St. & Fifth Ave. W, first floor conference room.

For more info on time banking go to timebanks.org or e-mail dianeemerson @ yahoo.com.

Join Duluth Energy Efficiency Program’s Team!

Minnesota GreenCorps, an AmeriCorps Program coordinated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is currently accepting applications for one full-time energy conservation corps member in Duluth. This position will serve 1,700 hours at ~ 40 hours weekly from late November 2011 into September 2012. Member benefits include a biweekly stipend, optional health insurance, student loan forbearance and $5,350 award to apply toward eligible student loans or for continued education.

Electronic applications are due Nov. 16. For more information, please visit pca.state.mn.us. MPCA is an equal opportunity employer.

Lost Grey Cat in Lincoln Park

Russian Blue, neuter male, smokey grey & slinky, big ears, multiple toes, loud meower. Last seen near home 27th Avenue West near the park Sunday 11/6. Please email jahnhibbs @ gmail.com with any information.

“The Moon” 89.1 FM WGZS

Fond du Lac Band’s 89.1 FM WGZS “The Moon” was one of several Native American Radio stations mentioned in a report on MPR News this morning.

Parks and Libraries Referendum

The Duluth Parks and Recreation Department has lost full-time and seasonal employees due to budget cuts over the last few years. Because of the cuts, the maintenance of the parks and trails in the city has relied heavily on the work of volunteers.

“It’s a nice partnership. I can’t say enough how wonderful our volunteers are,” said Kathy Bergen, Parks and Recreation manager.

Even with the help of volunteers, some facilities in the parks have fallen in to disrepair and the programs offered through the parks system have all but disappeared. The Parks and Libraries Referendum on the Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011 ballot looks to help repair the parks facilities and revive some of the programs that have been lost due to budget cuts.

To read the rest of the article go to http://www.d.umn.edu/writ/jour/lakevoice/?p=7518 and be more informed when you hit the polls tomorrow.

LakeVoice News is a weekly online publication produced by UMD journalism students. The stories are reported on and written by students, but the content is for the community. If you have a story idea or would like to submit photos you can email us at lakevoicenews @ gmail.com.

Siberian Husky for adoption

My husband and I are fostering a dog through the Range Regional Animal Rescue. Kodiak is around 3 years old and was seized with 37 other huskies from the range. We have gotten him healthy and house-broken and he’s ready for adoption. You can find him on this PetFinder page, through the shelter or contact me here for info.

This is what a feminist looks like:

Now that I have your attention, what struck me as odd about the original objections to Marc Gartman’s Ween post was how the comments were so out-of-context and un-community in nature. I did see the “bigger boobed” version, am familiar with Ween, and have a fairly well-honed ability to read and comprehend.

Business Facebook without Personal Facebook

I’m trying to get an answer to this question, and am finding conflicting answers. Can one establish a business presence on “The Facebook” without have it tied back to a specific user? For example, is the corporate Target Facebook page associated with a specific user?

Alternative view on drugs

Looking for a French teacher in Duluth

I’m looking for a French teacher for two kids, ages 8 and 5. They speak conversational French now from some time they spent going to school in France, but I can tell they are losing it by the day. I’m looking for someone who would ideally come over to our house once or twice a week after school. I was thinking $15-30/hour, depending on experience.

Does anyone have other ideas about keeping up the kids’ French ability?

Halloween festivities in LakeVoice

LakeVoice is your guide to Duluth’s Halloween festivities. This week we will be covering the Glensheen Jack O’ Lantern Spooktacular, the William A. Irvin Haunted Ship and the Survive Duluth zombie run. Stay tuned for more information about these events and the people that make them possible.

LakeVoice News is a weekly online publication produced by UMD journalism students. The stories are reported on and written by students, but the content is for the community. If you have a story idea or would like to submit photos you can email us at [email protected].

Cool Vintage Stage

Hi everyone! I am looking for a old-school vintage stage in the Duluth area. The NorShor Theatre is out and so is the Armory because they are both undergoing construction. Are there any other stages in the Duluth, Superior or North Shore area that someone may know about that have an old-school vibe?

I-35 Mega Project — Final Complaints

Since the I-35 reconstruction is wrapping up and the freeway will be getting back to normal soon, it’s probably a good time to get rid of any lingering road rage.

So … wow … did the past two years suck or what?