Duluth artist invades Great Plains
Congratulations, Catherine Meier, on “Open Richness,” August 3 – September 23, 2012
Congratulations, Catherine Meier, on “Open Richness,” August 3 – September 23, 2012
The folks at Lakeside Presbyterian Nursery School wanted you to know that there are still openings in their classes. The school is 50+ years old and remains a solid preschool of the sort I attended as a child. That is to say play, painting at an easel, listening to stories, singing songs, sharing a snack, etc.
Note that the play is first. No worksheets here. My kids are alumni and one kid managed to read before kindergarten, the other waited until about a week into the summer before first grade. Both rocked kindergarten. And now car rides are heavenly (but I digress).
This is a school that is affordable, caring, small, and focused on getting your kids ready to have a successful start to school.
Call them for more information. 218-525-1967
Location is at 45th avenue east and McCulloch street. Right by Marshall’s hardware (and that little shopping district).
We need a new minion! Raven & Associates, Inc., a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth, is looking for another talented, skilled, and charming individual to be part of our customer service team. We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.
Here’s the basic info on the job: Full-time customer service. Hourly wage beginning at +$10 per hour, flexible scheduling, retirement benefits and partial health insurance. Previous experience working in an office environment (you know, with computers), background in art, and interest in outdoors preferred.
For more info, call Dave at 740-2769 or drop me an email at dave @ ravenassociatesinc.com. We are now located in a creepy old theater at 319 N. Central Ave.
This is a really great deal for the right person. I am looking to share my space. I have a prime location in Canal Park. Looking for health and wellness practitioner who is comfortable to share my cozy studio! If interested, please reply with references and/or questions to yourholisticpath @ gmail.com.
My wedding is coming up soon and at my finance’s request we will be having a sand ceremony, where you pour two different kinds of sand in a jar. I remember seeing black sand on the North Shore, however, my frequent trips up there have blurred my memory on the exact location. I am thinking somewhere near Knife River, but don’t want to pay for the gas to get there and be wrong.
We’re in the middle of moving, and all of the trips up and down the stairs got me thinking about something that actually seems viable. I was imagining the best possible scenario for moving and I came up with the Duluth Moving Consortium, a gigantic group of people that could help each other move. Imaging how quickly and easily you could move your stuff if a group of 100-200 people all came to help. In a perfect world, enough would show up that each person could take one load down the stairs and the work would be done.
Sure, you might draw a bad load and end up with half a couch or mattress, but the next move might be a shoebox of CDs or a trashcan. And if you help, then others come to your aid when you need to move.
I just thought that with all of the moving going on in this town, this sort of cooperative just might have legs.
It’s so crazy, it might work.
The first issue of the Look at Lakeside newsletter is out. It will come out every two months (on the even-numbered months). If you have article topics, Lakeside photos, news, even history, or even want to share why you live in or what you like about Lakeside-Lester Park, send me an email. The issues are being distributed at Lakeside-Lester Park businesses and online. You can subscribe (free) to get a notice when the next issue is out online.
Wildwoods Rehabilitation has a new orphan shed.
We just bought a backyard inflatable swimming pool. My husband insists there’s a better way to fill it with 1,000 gallons of water than the garden hose.
From what I can calculate, it’d cost us about $100 to fill it that way. Can anyone weigh in? Any better ideas?
Interested in conditions on and in Lake Superior? UMD operates two buoys in the far western arm of Lake Superior about 15 miles outside Duluth, one near the McQuade safe harbor and one offshore of that location. You can see the data in real time by following this link.
My faithful electric lawn mower of 14 years has died and they don’t make a replacement battery anymore. I am seeking a push mower that will last at least a couple more years for $75 or under. Does anyone have a mower to sell?
So there we are last night, my hubby and I, enjoying the warm Summer night driving east down Superior Street. I would say it is about 9ish or so. And there I see the saddest little child, looking tired and laying his head on his dad’s (I presume) shoulder. This child was dressed only in a diaper and was about 1 year old.
So what is the big deal you ask? Because this child was in front of the Last Place on Earth. Is it just me or is this way fucked up??? I know, I know the law is being changed and there is only so much the cops can do. But my God people think about your kids for one minute and don’t expose them to what I saw standing there last night on that sidewalk.
What a dark turn this particular area of Duluth has taken. If you don’t believe me, take a drive down Superior Street some evening and see for yourself. I hope you don’t see the same tired, sad little child I did, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you did.
This raven has a sad story. He was hopping around on the ground as a fledgling when he was “saved” by well-meaning people, who then kept him in their chicken coop for the next 2 months. They finally brought him in after they released him and he just sat in a tree for 2 days, because he had no idea what to do.
If you find a baby bird, follow the instructions here.
Where does one sell scrap metal in Duluth? What’s the going price of copper per pound?