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DNT discontinues comments

Close readers of the Duluth News Tribune’s online edition may have noticed that the site no longer allows commenting under any stories, and I think that’s been the case for several days. I’m not privy to the reasons behind the decision, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the comments they were getting didn’t add any value to the site. Quite the opposite, in my opinion.

The DNT isn’t alone in this struggle. Personally, I’ve never seen intelligent comments on a news organization’s website. I think it’s probably better for them to just stick to content creation and allow people to link to the content via Facebook or some other social site, and discuss the content there.

What do you think? Do you miss the comments or do you applaud the decision?

80 Nerds in the Dark

I admit — I entered the Zinema’s “Doctor Who 101” with some trepidation. The organizer is the sharp, innovative Tony M., the real engine behind the Zinema for some time. (I know there was another architect, but frankly, some architects are engineers, while Tony is an artist, breathing life).

Bev’s Jook Joint for Sale or Lease

Bev’s Jook Joint for sale or lease.” Bev Robinson – jjointmusic [at] yahoo [dot] com.

Well, here we are. We need more minions …

Two of them, in fact. 

Who are we? An existential question, at times, but Raven & Associates, Inc. is a promotional products company (we sell stuff with your name on it) right here in Duluth. We are looking for two talented, skilled, and charming individuals to be part of our team.  We are a growing company, a great place to work, and very odd.

Here’s what we are looking for.

Part-time position #1: Part-time customer service/office assistant.

Part-time position #2: We need a digital ink money, or to use another parlance, a person to run our digital printer.

Hell is Other People?

Last night, I had the pleasure of preparing a TalkBack session on the Stage II production of Jean Paul Sartre’s “No Exit.”

Duluth Meatballs

Have we mentioned yet that there is a Duluth pennant in the 1979 film Meatballs? It’s on the wall inside Tripper’s cabin.

Free Sign!

I will produce and ship this sign to anyone who would like to stand next to Mr. Jankowski in Bentleyville and exercise their First Amendment rights. The sign is approximately 2′ x 3′, printed on corrugated plastic, two sided, with arrows pointing in both directions for your convenience.


This popped up in my Facebook feed.

I mean, Master Card’s little contest might pale in comparison to the intense fervor, Duluthophilia, I call it, that some of us have for this town. Heck, this blog is basically all about how great we think we are (except for the bitching posts, which are still pretty much about how great we think we are.)

Duluth Beer Snob Blog

I was looking for some beta on the New Canal Park Brewery when I ran across this Duluth Beer Snob Blog.  So it made me wonder, have we reached the point of Beer stardom where we now have the pinnacle of beer snobbery in town?  Seems to know his stuff and he sure gets around the beer joints.

Who wins the Giant Foam Finger of Greatness?

A group of journalism students at UMD have created their own online journalism projects. The assignment asked them to conceive of a website that focused on a specific media “niche” and to produce content that appealed to that group by drawing on as many online media tools as possible.

The projects range from a Duluth-area beer-review page to a site that links volunteers with community needs in the Twin Ports.

Tomorrow we will have a very informal awards ceremony in which the page that has the most “likes” on our Facebook page will receive the Giant Foam Finger of Greatness Award (it’s a long story).

So, visit the page, check out a few of the projects, vote for your favorite and give the student journalists some feedback. Who knows, perhaps the best of them will actually develop into permanent pieces of the Duluth media landscape.

New Education Rabbit at Audubon Center for the Northwoods

We at Wildwoods are good partners with the education mission of Audubon Center for the Northwoods in Sandstone, MN. The staff there are warm, welcoming, and supportive, and have occasionally taken an unreleasable wild animal and given it a meaningful life as an education animal. Like this gal:

Five month old doe Netherland Dwarf and Lop mix. She will be representing a Eastern Cottontail rabbit since they do not tolerate captivity. She will be making appearances in MN Mammals, Animal Signs, and the Minnesota Wildlife evening program.

You have until end of day December 11th to submit a name for their new education rabbit. Visit their FB page for more info: http://www.facebook.com/AudubonCenter

Updated, move-in-ready home for sale

Updated, move-in ready 1,500+ sq. ft. home for sale by owner, located on a tree-lined street less than a block away from beautiful Miller Creek. Features include: Original woodwork and natural maple hardwood floors throughout; built-in hutches; large newly remodeled kitchen with breakfast bar; formal dining room; three bedrooms all with walk-in closets; updated full bathroom with heated floor; secure fenced yard; and alley access to 1 car garage with additional off-street parking spot. More pictures and full description on Craigslist To take a look call Patrick at 218-722-2205 or email patrickandlaura2006 @ yahoo.com. Serious inquiries only please.

Kids Bicycles and Parts

My rapidly growing daughters have outgrown numerous bicycles and I am wondering what to do with the collection of bikes cluttering up our yard.

Any better suggestions than donating to Goodwill etc? Wasn’t there a bike shop in the Hillside at one point that might take this stuff? Or anyone know how these could go to bikeless kids?

What’s the story on this place?

Ads for this place have been on Craigslist for a good deal of time:

$320/6000ft² – Wanted: College or college professional roommate (UMD * Congdon * St. Scholastica area)

Not that I have any interest in renting it, but it’s so … different … that I can’t help but wonder. An inspection via Google maps leads to some interesting scenery, and driving by it makes one even more curious.

Anyone know anything about it?

In Case You Missed It

This is too stupid to not let go unnoticed: Welcome to UMD. Again.